Iphone Xr is selling worse than expected – more investing in the older model

the Apple slows down the production of the Xr – produces more Iphone 8

Just weeks after launch forced Apple to pull down on the rate of production of the Iphone Xr, citing informed sources of the news site the Nikkei Asian Review.

Apple’s new ”budget” model Iphone the Xr, which was released a few weeks ago, have not sold nearly as well as expected, reports the online magazine Nikkei Asian Review.

Sources from two of Apple’s main suppliers Foxconn and Pegatron, which manufactures the actual handsets, says the site received a directive to reduce the production of Iphone Xr drastically.

– in the case of Foxconn was preparing the first of nearly 60 production lines for Apple’s Xr model, but use at present only around 45 lines, then toppkunden said that it does not need to stock so many right now, ” says an informed source at the Nikkei.

It means that the company produces about 100 000 fewer mobiles every day, around 20-15% less than what you first anticipated. The same applies to Pegatron, according to the source.

Greater demand on older Iphones

On the other hand techjätten Apple increased demand for the older Iphone models 8 and 8 Plus, which is significantly lower in price than the newcomer Xr.

This is Apple rather than get pull up output, according to the Nikkeis source.

– Manufacturer of the Iphone 8 and Iphone 8 Plus get together orders for about five million more units, ” says an insider to the site.

Neither Apple, Foxconn or Pegatron have wanted to comment on the matter for the magazine.