the DN could in november reveal that the SD-leader Peter Wallmark both took out fees, as politicians, and also full pay as a political secretary for himself. On Monday published Aftonbladet new information about the Wallmarks double fees.

the Presentation was in november, sharp criticism from both the right and the left. Both mayor Anna König Jerlmyr (M) oppositionsborgarråd Karin Wanngård(S) wanted the rules to be reviewed.

the new focus on media in the Wallmarks double the remuneration received finansborgarrådet to act. Anna König Jerlmyr (M) has now given the city’s lawyers instructed to review the concept.

” When we became aware of this, I asked the stadsjuristen to review the regulatory framework. It is important for the political legitimacy of the scheme that taxpayers ‘money is used responsibly,” says Anna König Jerlmyr.

to comment on the presentation on Facebook.

– My and kommungruppens idea is that we have not done anything wrong and that Aftonbladet’s review does not give an accurate picture. It is kommungruppens idea that we should have a heltidsarvoderad group leader. As I’ve previously holding a post in the city Hall with a salary of 50,000 usd, I have taken a leave of absence on a part-time basis so that my salary along with it half the gruppledararvodet becomes a fully gruppledararvode, d.v.p. 80.000 b.c. thus, It is not a matter of double salaries, writes Wallmark in a post.