the First day of christmas 2017 was the british tourist Laura Plummer sentenced to three years behind bars in Egypt in order to smuggle illegal drugs into the country.

Since she had already been sitting in a cell without beds with 25 other women, since customs officials 9. October found 290 tablets of Tramadol in her suitcase when she arrived to Egypt.

According to her own and her family’s explanation had Laura Plummer took the pills with, because her egyptian boyfriend, Omar, had back ache.

But the medicine, which is prescription in both the united kingdom and Denmark, is illegal in Egypt.

Why was the then 33-year-old briton, according to his own explanation dragged into an interrogation room, where she was not offered an interpreter. After four hours in the room she wrote in a document formulated in Arabic, in the belief that it was her release.

Laura swears now that she never again would set foot in an airport. Photo: Privatbillede

At a time got family to know that Laura Plummer could risk up to 25 years in prison. But the first christmas day 2017 fell judgment therefore to three years in jail.

A few months later was reported by several media, to Laura Plummer, who would be pardoned by the egyptian president.

But when the family had traveled to Egypt to take care of her, it appeared, that the promises might was false.

A spokesperson for the egyptian embassy pointed out in February 2018, to Laura Plummer, at the earliest, could hope to be released for ‘good behavior’ after serving at least half of his sentence.

But now the now 34-year-old british woman has been released after 14 months behind egyptian bars. It writes, among other things british, the Telegraph and the BBC.

Several media write to Laura Plummer, who after having been given a pardon by the egyptian president on Sunday was moved to a police station, and that it is expected that she is at home in the british city of Hull is already Monday.

– My two weeks long holiday in the sun turned into a nightmare. I’m so happy… I mean, who is going on vacation in two months and ends up with to be in 14 months. I put never my feet in an airport again, says Laura Plummer, who according to the Telegraph.

According to the BBC, tells her sister, Rachel Plummer, the egyptian authorities are in the process of preparing her return, and the local politician Karl Turner has in connection with the news tweetet that he is happy to hear about Laura Plummers release.