pseudo-science and trivialisation of anti-Semitism, which accuses Achim Bühl, Professor for sociology of technology at the Beuth University of applied Sciences, the former President of its educational institution. These words show that the transparent and objectively vaunted discussion about a possible renaming of the College of engineering at the Wedding has become highly emotional. A two-day Symposium on “Christian Wilhelm Peter Beuth in his time” should now bring some order to the debate.

The Prussian Ministry officials Beuth was a member of the German table society, and held there in 1811, a speech in which he wished the Jews to the death. Achim Bühl had shown Beuths anti-Semitism in June 2017 in a paper. Of the University solicited external expert opinion confirmed the even for its time, “a rigid anti-Semitism” Beuths. Then the former President Reinhard Thümer turned on, the was 2009 for the renaming of the institution responsible. He questioned in a paper the anti-Semitism Beuths and the authenticity of the speech, what indignant reactions from Bühl and other historians.

That Reinhard Thümer, but not by Achim Bühl, was given a place on the Podium of the final discussion on Friday, had arranged in advance for restlessness. But with the Professor Dieter Gloede and the students Ronja Marcath, and David Czycholl, three representatives of the Initiative for the renaming of the University were sitting there, at least. The fronts are hardened, quickly became clear. Gloede and Thümer accused each other of lack of Debate and Poison the climate. Thümers paper, both student representatives, as well as features on see as unscientific. You have to trust the work of the historian, said Gloede. Thümer would create with this paper, alternative facts. The former President defended himself with the evaluation, the counter-Beuth present evidence of anti-Semitism today would be sufficient before any court for any conviction. Renaming supporters had meanwhile concealed in the night of Friday, the huge Beuth-lettering on the front of the school. And that Beuth was an ardent anti-Semite, questioned to Thümer no one in the round.

Greifswalder experience with Ernst Moritz Arndt

Thomas Stamm-Kuhlmann of the University of Greifswald, reported by the poisoned debate that preceded the renaming of its University. While the majority of students and scholars in the Humanities were for a Drop of the Name of Ernst Moritz Arndt, fought the dentists vehemently for the retention. “To me, it was no longer threatening to treat me,” says stem-Kuhlmann. He was one of the rare laughs in the audience during the event. Friedemann Stengel of the Martin-Luther-University in Halle, stressed that the “child-of-his-time-Argument” in a purely apologetic nature. Andreas Nachama, a historian, Rabbi, and Director of the Foundation topography of terror, stressed that no one was just “a bit anti-Semitic”. Whether from the anti-Semitism Beuths however, a change of name should follow, was only a matter for the University. “No one is the umpire, not even the Jewish community,” he says.

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Beuth University of applied Sciences prior to the renaming? Anti-Semitic name of donor: Greifswald has it

Amory Burchard

Almost all of the discussants agreed that it would be better to name the universities in the future, after the destruction of the site. Students hope to gain as a result of the discussion on anti-Semitism also in advanced discussions on sexism and racism at the University. Striking one was: Ronja Marcath the only woman in the round, Andreas Nachama, the only Jew was. Something Positive has led to the discussion now. As required, the University has, in the meantime, all of the papers and comments made on your Homepage accessible to the public (