Hanan Ashrawi is considered to be one of the most important voices of the Palestinians, it has been around since the ‘ 70s, and politically active. The current Phase but, says the 72-Year-old, is “one of the worst periods in our history”. It came in the question of Palestine to an agglomeration of internal, regional and international factors, which destroyed the Arab-Israeli peace process and the concerns of the Palestinians will call for a state of their own in more and more remote.

Sober Ashrawi analyzed in the headquarters of the Palestinian liberation organization (PLO), the Executive Committee listened to you, the situation: Israel’s current government to “implement the Zionist project. Not only settlements, but also by the robbery of resources by the dominance of the language. There are facts to be created on the ground.” In Israel the camp of peace friends are going to getting smaller and smaller, recently by the death of the writer Amos Oz. “The extremism in Israel has been excluded from the discourse, the call for a two-state solution.” Israel will be assisted by US President Donald Trump who have decided to move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem. “The Palestinians in the most hostile-minded U.S. government,” says Ashrawi.

Lack of will

Of Europe are disappointed with the Palestinians. “The Europeans could do more, but there is no will to do it,” said Ashrawi. “You seem to believe, all you need to do is to make statements: We are for the two-state solution, settlements, Jerusalem should be the capital of both States. But these are not actions.” Europe is the neighbour of the Middle East. If the violence is escalating, would get the Europeans to feel that, for example, through refugee flows.

“If we don’t revitalize our System, it will collapse. We must fight for elections!”Hanan Ashrawi, a member of the PLO Executive Committee

German Chancellor Angela Merkel takes Ashrawi as “a stabilising factor in Europe,” true you “against xenophobia and racism”. The role of facilitator not to trust you but: “Germany is inhibited by its past, the Horror of the Holocaust.” And Israel equate criticism with anti-Semitism. Another reason for the loss of momentum in the peace process was that “the Arab world is in turmoil” and that there were Attempts, a polarisation between Sunnis and Shiites. This is also why Palestinian cause would be no longer a priority. “But the people in the Arab countries do not have us forget the Palestinians.”

Ashrawi maintains, nevertheless, to the two-state solution. A a coup is a solution do not come into consideration, even if more and more Palestinians called for this. “That would be a new political Era, there is no more references to it.” South Africa, considered by many as a model between the fractious groups of the population in the former Palestine considered, is no model. “The South Africans did not want to throw all the Black out and a state of their own create, exclusively for White people. In South Africa, a minority has tried to dominate the majority, but not to expel you.”

criticism of Abbas

The politician, belonging to the part elder the third way criticized, but also their own Palestinian leadership. So Ashrawi, whose party had reached the last ballot twelve years ago, only 2,41 percent, presidential and parliamentary elections in the West Bank and the Gaza strip, which President Mahmoud Abbas denied but for years. “If we don’t revitalize our System, it will collapse,” says Ashrawi. “We have to fight for elections!”

she also criticised the fact the duration of the dispute between the in the Gaza strip since 2007, ruling radical Islamic Hamas and Fatah, which dominates the Palestinian authority and the PLO. “Hamas needs to understand that you can’t keep all the inhabitants of Gaza as hostages, to remain in Power.

The people suffering under the Israeli occupation, and then steps the Palestinian authority and the President to come,” says Ashrawi, with a view to measures on the part of Abbas, which had a Salary freeze for employees of the administration in Gaza and the closure of the Rafah border crossing. These measures should be taken by Hamas, “but in truth, the normal people will suffer,” says Ashrawi. The conclusion of their analysis: “I am not optimistic.”

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 13.01.2019, at 20:25