Police still have not identified the people as the yesterday wanted in connection with the suspected kidnapping of Anne-Elisabeth Garden.

During a press conference Friday morning told police urge that people to sign up.

MISSING: Anne-Elisabeth Hagen has been missing from his home in ten weeks. On Wednesday, police matter in the hope of tips and information that may bring the investigation further. Photo: Private / Dagbladet Show more 150 new tips

Since 31. October has Anne-Elisabeth Hagen (68) has been missing from his home on Fjellhamar in Lørenskog. The police, who dealt with the case in all secret until Wednesday, assuming that she is abducted and that the motive is financial gain.

Politiinspektør Tommy Brøske told during the police’s third press conference that they have received a further 150 tip since the previous day. Thus, the police have received more than 250 tips in the case since Wednesday.

Several of the tips we have received in the past day is about the activity around the future Tense-the building, which we published via overvåkningsfilmer yesterday, he said.

RUNNER: Police are asking this man to give himself up. Photo: Police / Screenshot, View more are Requested to notify

Overvåkningsfilmene shows a person who 31. October at 07.36 went again, and ahead at the Future-built. This is Tom hagen’s workplace. 24 minutes later the camera records even a person walking on the road. This person was forbipassert of a cyclist.

– It is still so that the rider is still currently not identified. We therefore urge that they sign up, said Brøske.

The other two people shown the same films, we have also received tips on, but these are also not identified. We repeat, therefore, the need to come in contact with these or receive further information in the case, he said further.

– How central do you regard these people in the case?

– We consider, naturally enough, the two on foot more interesting than the biker, but nevertheless, it is important for the police that all three registers, say Brøske to Dagbladet after the press conference.

CONTACT: Thursday 10. January went to the police out with two videos of people who were observed outside of Tom hagen’s workplace 31. October. The police assume that she was abducted on the morning of or the morning of the same day, and want contact with these people. Video: Police Show more Want more tips

– the main message today is also the tips. We hope that the information in the case. We encourage you who may know something about the contact, said Brøske.

He urges the public to contact, so can the police even consider whether the information is relevant or not.

Police also want tips on observations in advance of the 31. October 2018, but also occasional activities and observations over an extended period of time.

– As we mentioned previously, we cannot rule out the workplace, the home or family members have been isolated or kept under surveillance, said Brøske

Last heartbeat

It is believed that she was kidnapped from their own homes 31. October of last year. The police suspect that Tom Hagen may have been spanet on and surveyed shortly before the supposed’s abduction from bjarmaland by his wife. The last few days, the police intense technical investigation in and around the residence.

According to VG to Anne-Elisabeth Hagen has been in a phone call early in the day. The police believes that she was abducted from the residence on the morning of or the morning of this day.

Companies offer “kidnappingsforsikring”- is discouraged strongly Dagbladet Plus

the Police have not wanted to confirm the information which is to be the last safe livstegnet from the missing woman.

Police do not know where the Garden is kept hidden, and it ruled out not that the shelter can be outside the borders of Norway.

– There has not come a heartbeat from the offended person. There has, however, not come signs that she is not alive, said politiinspektør Tommy Brøske during the first press conference.

Demands for a ransom

It was confirmed on Thursday that it was found a written document in the dwelling with the demands for ransom and threats.

the Kidnappers should have set forth a claim of 85 million in ransom paid in kryptovalutaen Monero. This is not confirmed by the police. The police however have stated that it is made serious threats about what will happen to the woman if the money is not being paid.

Both the police and the family’s lawyer, Svein Holden, has, however, been clear that the family has not been complied with the suspects kidnappernes for ransom.

– Kidnappers exposes himself for the risk