the Delay, and the anticipation has characterized the congolese elections, which originally would have been held already in 2016, and with the same logic, it was announced the results, first at three o’clock on Thursday morning, ten hours after the promised time.

Then it was no longer a surprise to anyone that the opposition politician Felix Tshisekedi would be declared the winner. The rumors had been for several days in the capital Kinshasa and vinnarpartiet UDPS had already confirmed to news agencies that it had had talks with the outgoing president, Joseph Kabila, on the transition to a new government, which suggests that both parties knew what was in faggorna.

(a turnout of 48 per cent) went 7 million to Tshisekedi, which corresponds to 38.5 per cent. Oppositionskonkurrenten Martin Fayulu received 34.7 percent and president Kabila’s preferred successor, Emmanuel Shadary got 23.8 per cent.

Felix Tshisekedi, Emmanuel Ramazani Shadary, Martin Fayulu Photo: AFP

Kabila throwing thus in the towel after almost 18 years in power and accept Shadarys defeat, which also means a huge rejection of his own regime. This is a milestone that is not possible to ignore in a country that has never implemented a alternation of power without weapons. The question is how much it is worth when analysts describe the veracity of the result set equal to zero.

Oxfordforskaren Nic Cheeseman, and the most recent book ”How to rig an election”, says on Twitter that we may have witnessed the first election ever where the government rigged the outcome to the opposition’s advantage.

four people: Joseph Kabila, the president of the republic after 15 years in power would have stepped aside already for 2016, but managed to delay the process in another two years, and his choice of successor, the equal most ordinary Emmanuel Shadary.

Towards the Shadary asked a united oppositionskoalition up with a common candidate, the former businessman Martin Fayulu. But shortly before the deadline for nominations this summer, chose the Felix Tshisekedi to break out of the alliance and setting up on their own.

Tshisekedi had only six months previously taken over the party UDPS from his father, Étienne Tshisekedi, who had died. Even then, the response was amazing allegations that Tshisekedi has been bought by Kabila to divide the opposition. His father built his political career on the to switch between the roles of the government and the opposition and it looks as if the junior has chosen the same strategy.

a comfortable margin in the polls at around 40 per cent of the votes against two other candidates, which was around 20-procentsstrecket. The figures must have stood in the election results, according to the catholic church, which had 40 000 election observers scattered over the country.

But then suddenly seems to Fayulus and Shadarys figures have been confused. It seems that Kabila realized that a fake Shadary-victory would never be accepted and that he and the electoral commission Ceni instead chosen to focus on Tshisekedi that has been seen as more cooperative.

Joseph Kabila. Photo: Frank Franklin II, AP

last time we see mr Kabila, who in interviews before the election not ruled out a future comeback in politics. Kabila is still relatively young. When he took over power in 2001, he was only 29 years old and the world’s then youngest head of state. Father Laurent Kabila had been assassinated a week earlier and the son Joseph was seen as a temporary solution.

But he would stay for almost two decades. Kabila greatest achievement was during the first year when he ran out of the great continental war that plagued the country. But the peace never came, and the rule has since been marked by the same corruption and incompetence of the representatives.

Felix Tshisekedi is equally inexperienced and as well as Kabila inherited the whole of his political capital by his father. Can he break with the family tradition, and to distance himself from the man who helped him to power? It becomes a crucial issue.

of the many rebel groups with political ties, who wreaks havoc in various parts of the country will accept valmyndighetens and the government’s fiffel. If they do not, it will Tshisekedis valvinst to become a Pyrrhusseger. A fake such.