“The otters get their own passage at the busy road”

“During the E4 at Valsfäboda just north of Bygdeå is just a slightly different passage. “

“— that they should not be ihjälkörda on the road, ” says Peter Holmqvist at Svevia.”

“the Passage, a little over 50 metres long pipe, built right through the vägbanken for the animals not to have to run over the road and risking being run over. “

“It is the Swedish transport administration, which commissioned the work, which among other things carried out by Svevia.”

“Right next door is a stream, which would be able to help uttrarna over to the other side, but they don’t like to move in the water, which allows the passage must be built, writes Mellanbygden.now.”

“Similar solutions are available in more places in the country and are also used by other animals, such as fox and hare.”