If the country is not a thick snow cover, add a hard frost water meters and water management of the risk of freezing.A thick snow cover acts as insulation for underground pipes. Mostphotos

Still not in Southern Finland, wild cherry frosts to see, but the real estate and especially single-family houses should already be prepared for the cold weather by protecting your water meter and plot water pipes from the cold. In addition, the drain of the functionality is good pay attention, the Helsinki region environmental services (HSY) to remind.

a Hard frost more water meters and water lines freezing risk, especially, if a thick snow cover does not work as insulation for underground pipes. January-February are the most opportune time in the freezer due to putkirikot, the matching circuit master Arja Johnson HSY’s water supply told in the bulletin.

Like the water meter room warm and lots of plot cords

Property responsibility of land management of sufficient isolation to prevent them from freezing to death. Especially less than two meters deep are located in the tube should be insulated carefully.

Property owners pay water meters and plot lines icing costs, so the precautions should take care of unnecessary costs and water supply interruptions in order to avoid.

– you Should also remember that the risk of freezing is not immediately past, when the frost begins condensed. If the pipes are froze, they were frozen to accelerate yet the frost condensed, Johnson said.

If you notice a water pipe or the water meter is frozen, defrost to work is not worth to engage yourself. Professionals can prevent additional damage from occurring and ensure the pressure of the dissolution of the right way.

the melting of the work can subscribe to a private smelting company. Freeze to get the water meter need to be replaced, and this work of water supply department.

This will protect the pipes and water meter from frost HSY instructions:

1. Make sure that the property’s water meter room is adequately heated. Check at the same time that the frost from within the technical space or in the water meter room vent and the door.

2. Shoveling the plot lines joining points of the top of the snow thermal insulation, where the snow is.

3. If you find the insulation gaps, you can prevent freezing by draining slowly the water from the pipes. However, make sure you first drain the proper action, for in winter viemäritkin can freeze.