With the muzzle close to the ground, bustling around the wooly Lagotto bitch by the name of Gin around excited between the young beech, oak and hazel trees. With her nose she’s trying to sniff out truffles are tubers that can be found several inches under the ground. After a few minutes the bitch throttles under a hazel-your pace, and wags his tail. Then she begins to scratch the wild, so that loamy dirt clods fly between their hind legs through the air.

“stop it, Gin,” Advised Klainguti, kneels beside the dog, and presses her snout to the side. As a reward for their valuable Fund Gin gets dog cookies. Then Klainguti, it pressed its nose even in the slightly frozen earth, and smells. “I am in control of whether the truffle is also really Mature,” he explains. “Then he makes this quite typical, almost Intrusive fragrance.” He weighs his head slightly back and forth and gets them then with a wide Grin, a fist-sized Périgord truffle from the ground.

The economist Klainguti, Advised, managed, together with three colleagues, a good two hectares large Truffle plantation under the name Swiss truffle. About seven years ago, the young entrepreneur is new territory entered in Switzerland, as they planted about a thousand with truffle pore-inoculated oak, beech and Hazels on the Slopes of the Aargau Jura. Since then, they have eased in Thousands of hours of work the soil, weeds plucked out, in the autumn, the Leaves removed regularly and a self-produced broth with truffle pores of the tree poured.

The Burgundy truffles displace nobler species

In the last year, she harvested tubers for the first Time, own Precious. Cultivating “truffles need a lot of patience and Perseverance,” says Klaingutis colleague, the Geoscientist Andreas Müller. And a bit of luck, Although we know today that truffles grow only on calcareous soils, and in close symbiosis with the trees of life. This means that the tree provides the fungus with energy in Form of carbohydrates and in return the fungus nutrients braid gets off the ground. But the scientists fall still in the dark when it comes to the accurate reproduction of the coveted precious mushrooms.

While people in southern Europe truffles had been eaten, had the people North of the Alps in the middle ages a massive distrust of the aromatic tuber. Although some scholars have attributed the truffle has a beneficial effect against certain diseases such as bubonic plague and gout. But from a regular consumer was not advised. Only in the 18th century. Century excited truffles the interest of many nobles. Today, they are one of the most precious foods in the world, and Refine in Switzerland more and more often the menus. The country offered to Alba and Perigord truffles come mostly from Italy, France or Spain. Only the Burgundy truffle grows surprisingly common in Swiss forests.

Périgord truffles occur mainly in the Mediterranean. Photo: iStock

On the Aargauer plantation cultivate Klainguti, and Andreas Müller Advised truffles side by side valuable Périgord and the less noble Burgundy. This constellation also the attention of science is: Along the border of the two types of researchers feel the end of the Swiss Federal research Institute for forest, snow and landscape research (WSL), the truffles, the pulse. You have installed at four hazel-tree, and Sensors, which register continuously the growth of the trees, the soil temperature and moisture. Four times a year, the researchers found soil samples in order to quantify the mycelium – the whole of the fungal threads – the Burgundy and Périgord truffles. In addition, the plantation owners document their yield – the weight, the degree of maturity and eventual decay traces of the fungi. “So we want to find out whether and how the Burgundy and Périgord-compete truffle each other and what are the environmental and climate conditions of the particular type, preferably,” says the biologist Martina Peter. Together with Spanish researchers from the Swiss Federal research Institute WSL in multiple locations in Switzerland and Spain, has installed measurement devices.

After six years, the young entrepreneurs harvest the first truffles.

data show that the Périgord truffle in the southern European home countries have become less frequent in recent years. “For many regions, this is very worrying, because the truffles represent an important branch of the economy,” says WSL-biologist Peter. Beneficiaries are the truffles, the less lucrative Burgundy, the get along, obviously, with a larger range of environmental and climatic conditions and partly to the noble mushrooms in the South displace.

In Switzerland, a different picture emerges: “In the last few years, the Périgord truffle wandered in a natural way,” says Martina Peter. In the West of Switzerland, there is the occasional wild localities, where formerly only Burgundy thrived truffles.

harvest is expected to be sensitive

a break-in shows A recent study by British scientists published a study that Périgord truffles are actually sensitive to the climate . The research – based weather and climate data between 1970 and 2006 from France, Italy and Spain evaluated and yields of the valuable truffle matched. They found a direct correlation between the amount of rainfall, the temperature in the summer and the truffle yield.

on the Basis of current climate models, the British researchers derived the truffle harvest for the coming decades. Their findings: The expected hotter and drier summers are likely to reduce crop yields from the year 2071 to mindestens78 percent, in extreme cases, even completely wipe out. To counter this, want Martina Peter and your Team to find out whether such a targeted irrigation, or other management methods asset to defuse the Situation for the fungi.

Meanwhile, the female Gin sprints trees for the good the tenth Time to a new Hazel. Advised Klainguti, and Andreas Müller are lagging behind, the fingers are now red and frozen stiff. Klainguti, digging carefully with a Périgord truffle from the earth, while Müller marked the exact location on a Plan. A view shows that Although the harvest was today, with over one kilogram of Périgord truffles is quite lush, but so far, not even far all of the sapling fruit-body. The precious mushrooms seem to hide her secret of procreation to the Swiss truffle pioneers.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 03.01.2019, 06:09 PM