90 years meet Tellervo koivisto, the mother persuaded the father to let the girl learn in school.Tellervo Koivisto has been a farmer’s daughter in mind, that one day he would end up in the presidential palace. MARKKU ULANDER / LEHTIKUVA

When Wednesday 2. January 90 years have to be Tellervo Koivisto was young, between women and men equality was quite different than today. President Mauno Koivisto the widow of the main achievements during life are related to women’s status improvement.

Although Koivisto has been representative of the people and contributed to various associations, he feels that he got to influence most of the presidential spouse. Finnish image magazine’s popular columnist, he wrote about equality, abortion and women’s rights.

– nothing suddenly changed, and I got a bit of a radical name, Koivisto said.

– Then many things, which are to this day quite natural, were really new and radical.

In 1999, Koivisto wrote in Suomen kuvalehti his diaries in the new part this way: “the abortion act and contraceptives moved sharply and decisively for the better in the direction of that world. Considering the alternative, not acceptable to the pope and other contraception and abortion opposed to a sharp position.”

Already koivisto’s own life is the fight for women’s and girls ‘ rights. He left at the age of 13 in the first village as a child of another location in the school. Koivisto told, that on one hand, studying was not a simple matter. Had to pay for tuition, housing and dining, or take your own lunch with him.

Koivisto mother struggle her daughter’s education, although father did not at first understand, why girls should train. All the girls ended up eventually getting married.

Mother said that get a girl for less raatamisella. To him it meant a genuine toil. Then all was done by myself, no machines in the same way as then, later, Koivisto said.

– from early Morning until late at night the women were at work. When the men threshing the day to keep the break, the women went to their homes to feed their own cows and children.

Threatened to evict

koivisto’s father had organised a social democrat, so already the home to the political dialogue. On the other hand, Koivisto told reporters that the school and the village seemed the Patriotic people’s movement IKL.

– there could open his mouth, if you wanted to defend, for example, some of the strikes.

Once when a young Koivisto however, the defense strikes, the landlady was going to evict him from his home.

He asked, am I here communism increased.

Koivisto youth graduated from high school read less often joined left-wing parties or movements, because the students were already covered by the bourgeoisie.

Mauno Koivisto together with Tellervo-with his wife Alma Ata in the Soviet union in 1987. IL-Arkistoid shadow

Koivisto sitting in your favorite nojatuolis I get her and her late husband in the apartment, which is dark winter day bright. Your own life over that of a humble person on the face between a smile, between koivisto’s face looks very concerned and even worried.

– Yes, in our lifetime the Usa has changed very much.

Many over the last decade, growing by the finns do not live or remember almost nothing of the Soviet period. Koivistojen during its eastern neighbour shade was present.

Although in Finland it was the post-war calm and the land prospered, all the time having regard to the eastern neighbour and its influence.

the Younger generation are not able to understand what a hell of our time, this relationship with eastern neighbours has been.

the Possible treats you can control Mauno Koivisto fund message: Tellervo Koivisto 90 v. Beneficiary: people’s education fund, account: Nordea FI85 1521 3000 0060 09.

in November Tellervo Koivisto walking daughter, Assi Koivisto-Allonen on the arm of her husband just announced an grave memorial – and put it on top of a single red rose.