Two days are along the Dutch coast three urns found. Saturday went into hiding on the beach at Katwijk and Noordwijk, two axle boxes on, yesterday it was in Noordwijk again, an urn found. It would be to German grafvazen. How the urns there end up being hit, is a mystery.

14-year-old Maarten van Duijn, who is a volunteer effort for marine mammals, was the first askruik on the beach of Noordwijk. “We came driving up and saw something glimmends are,’ says father Borrow against the AD. “In thirty years you come of course, all against it, but this is very bizarre. A full urn!’

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The chance that the thing with a scattering on a turbulent sea on a rusty railing’, is, according to Van Duijn. Especially if the empty urns. “But a full?!’ Father and son decide to end the bizarre discovery back to hometown Katwijk. There begins the search for the origin of the urn. Once home, they check the content. “With respect,” says Maarten, that is his story to share on the Facebook page of KustnieuwsNL.

“The urn could also, of course, a disguise for one or other thing that under the category of ‘drugs’, for example.” Of prohibited substances is, however, not the case. It is going to be the remains of a man, died in the summer of 2018.