drum beats Herald the weekly disturbance of the Serbian Graveyard to the end of the year. The whistle chorus of protesters increases in front of the headquarters of the state TV station RTS on the hurricane. Boos echo through the street Ulica gorge Takovska. Since the protesters, the call for five minutes of airtime on the protests on the evening news could not have, start now “five minutes of noise,” announced a spokeswoman from the speaker’s stage on a truck.

Serbia’s marginalised Opposition in a de facto one-party state is a sign of life. For the fourth Time in a row, have demonstrated in Belgrade at the weekend, tens of thousands against political violence, rampant corruption, and the Media control in the EU-candidate. It was at the Premiere at 8. December nearly 10,000 people who marched across the icy Asphalt, moved in last Saturday demonstration in front of the end of the year, according to the organizers, 40,000 of government critics through the city centre.

The President is annoyed

of The most high, most great leader Aleksandar Vucic is shown annoyed and playing the protests down. “Marching as much as you want, I’m going to meet any single claim, even if five million of you should come,” said the acidified chief of the right-wing populist government party SNS after the protest the premiere. “One of the five million” announce since spöttelnd the protest placards of the demonstrators. Under the Motto “stop the bloody shirts” had begun after the brutal attack against the opposition politicians, Borko Stefanovic, the protests: Masked thugs had been waiting for the chief of the “Left of Serbia” at the end of November before a rally in the provincial town of Krusevac and him with metal bars in the hospital beaten.

“Vucic, you thief”, chanting the presidential Palace, strolling past the protesters in Belgrade, and end tags note: in four years, the 100-fold increase in the expenditure for the new year lighting for government critics is a sad metaphor for the rampant nepotism in the SNS state. Since the of of the ultra-nationalist SRS, split-off, the SNS has taken over six years ago, the government, the helm, is coddled you make a conscious foreman Vucic in the West as pro-European hopefuls for the targeted compensation with Kosovo. But it is not in sight. Democracy, freedom of the press and the separation of powers, it is in the EU candidate of Serbia, always worse. Instead, the EU demanded the withdrawal of the state, the government party, the media and the judiciary becoming more solid in your grip.

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Still Vucic is in the polls lonely at the front – his SNS triumphed thanks to their media power in the case of every by-election. However, the dissatisfaction with the lovers of the Selbstlobs and the full-bodied promise not only to an increase in the capital.