While we here in the West celebrated christmas and the politicians largely had free, used the israeli authorities to give the go-ahead to 1300 new homes in the occupied west bank. Prime minister Netanyahu had not only the christian christmas holidays in mind, but also the upcoming election campaign. For 9. april goes to the israelis to the options, and therefore, the country’s prime minister to show himself strong, nationalist and small forsonlig towards the palestinians.

-We will have to wage a terrible war. We face strong forces, and we need to recruit a large number of the population, ” said Netanyahu when he christmas eve announced that there will be elections in Israel about three and a half months. This time he was not in the war against the palestinians or geriljakrigere from Hezbollah in Lebanon. He turned right and simply stated that Israel is facing a dirty election campaign, the most hateful and the most divisive in israeli history, should we believe the commentator Noa Landau in the israeli newspaper Haaretz.

Benjamin Netanyahu have a bad time. Riksadvokat Avichai Mendelblit is in the final stages of processing charges of bribery, fraud and financial misconduct against him. Through the early elections in april bet the prime minister that the attorney general stays away from this matter now , not to be accused of interfering in the election. After the election he can say that he won despite the fact that the voters knew of the charges.

Much to suggest that Israel’s prime minister does not know the contents of Donald Trump’s so-called peace plan, the one that should be “this century’s most important”. Trump has said that he will publish the plan in the course of a few weeks, and Netanyahu is betting obviously to get the us president in the us”. It is something Netanyahu will not, it is that the palestinians be offered something in exchange for the peace that he does not even stands for.

A third important factor is the economy. It has mostly gone very well the last few years, but it is heavy clouds over the horizon both in Israel and, not least, internationally. By conducting elections in april will probably Netanyahu save itself from an economic recession, something that simply would not have been secure if he had waited with the elections to november, so the plans were originally.

And last, but not least, Netanyahu has faced a real political challenge and an expected clash with the religious parties. Before 15. January should namely the national assembly Knesset enact a law that no longer gives jewish ultraortodokse exemption from military service. After that the defence minister Avigdor Lieberman in november, pulled his party Israel our home out by the government, Netanyahu had a majority of only one mandate in the Knesset. And since the prime minister took over forsvarsministerjobben after Lieberman, he would have also been responsible for getting the new militærloven in the harbour. Now put it on hold.

Netanyahu is storfavoritt to win the election. His role as “Mr. Security” is not compromised, even though he went on våpenhvileavtalen with Hamas that got Lieberman to resign in november. Nothing indicates that the israelis most is set to take a step towards the center or towards the left. The opposition is divided and can’t set any April to Netanyahu.

But nevertheless believe several commentators that the israeli prime minister will take all means in order to ensure the victory, not least because he at all costs will avoid ending up in prison for corruption.

On election day in 2015 let Netanyahu out a nedrakkende video with the message that “the arabs come in flock” – to mobilize sofavelgere for their cause. Many fear that now he has learned from Donald Trump and will use all means in the struggle to be elected, not least through social media. And there is no reason to believe that his opponents are not going to do something of the same.

The large spenningsmomentet in this election is what Israel’s former chief-of-staff Benny Gantz is going to do. He is in the process of forming a new sentrumsparti who currently do not have a name, but according to a new poll can be Israel’s second largest party at the election. Gantz, who is very popular in Israel, would like to have a bit of time on themselves, both to establish his new party to stake out a role for herself as the opposition leader.

editor-in-chief Aluf Benn in Haaretz suggests the possibility that Gantz can enter a new Netanyahu government as minister of defence, and thus adjust the course slightly towards the centre. It is allowed to hope.