in 2018 was a bad year for Social Media: The revelations of the shady business practices of Facebook , Twitter , the Fake accounts and Stalkers, to even die-hard Social Media Fans. Thus, this year could represent a turning point for Social Media – the developments of the past months will shape the year 2019.

That confidence in Social Media decreases, the Edelman Trust Barometer Global Report already in the summer, with Only 41 percent of all respondents reported to have trust in Social Media, the number should not be increased in the last few months.

This should have the consequence that more and more users moving into private rooms: Messaging services such as Whatsapp or Facebook Messenger to be important, the group, chat with friends, Relatives and Acquaintances is increasingly replacing the public Post on Facebook or Twitter. The advantages are obvious: You can be more accurate and easier to determine who gets to read what, in an End-to-end encryption promises more security.

group chats against the social pressure

For younger users, the Digital Natives, the use of Social Media is part of everyday life, it means the withdrawal in the protected areas of Messaging Apps, as well as a removal of social pressure. The so-called Generation Z is experiencing peer pressure and social expectations not only on the Playground, but also in the social media; she learns how to no Generation before you, what opportunities offers the reach of Social Media and what pitfalls it holds. That draws them increasingly in their own niches – for example, in specifically youth – specific networks, such as Tiktok-back, is understandable.

For all those who want to go on Facebook, will back groups in the next year in the focus. Meanwhile, more than 1.4 billion Facebook Users in the groups are organized, they bring together like-Minded people to special interests and promote local networking. Groups reported a higher activity and a greater commitment of its members than Facebook as a Whole.

Facebook could fully relies on stories

a Professional Social Media networks such as Linkedin or Xing know in the next few months, a particular boost in popularity: you have so far been largely spared from trolls, spammers, and political Propaganda. Of course, there are also problems with other Social Media-to fight platforms – sexism, for example, is also not ruled out here, however, the widespread use of real names, as well as the basic orientation as a career of the network contribute to Be a largely decent the users. In a further point of Linkedin and Xing could play a pioneer function: Both networks offer their users against money additional features. Social Media, for which you paid, could be 2019 quite relevant.

stories, as you know, Instagram or Facebook, 2019. They are fast and with a ratio of created relatively little effort and disappear after 24 hours, all by itself – and they fit perfectly into a time of shorter attention spans and growing private spheres of consciousness. In the case of Facebook, it is now sure that stories will run in the Newsfeed. Yesterday, Thursday, a leaked Test Feature of Instagram could be a further indication that Facebook will now put even more on the stories.

The Influencer Hype is not yet over

This Hand-in-Hand will continue to 2019, with the rise of Social video: the coming year will show whether Apps like IGTV will prevail, the growth of Facebook Watch will continue and also in Switzerland.

And now for the bad news: we are Influencers not get rid of. However, brands will increasingly rely on so – called Micro-or Nano Influencer with fewer than 10’000 followers. What they lack in range they make up for in a higher authenticity of betting, which pays off for the advertiser’s brands to a higher commitment. Whether the Whole thing sucks then less remains to be seen.

finally, it could be 2019, the year in which Social Detox for the masses is interesting. Since the autumn of Apple’s displays for its iPhone users, how much time on screen spent; Instagram has introduced this year, a feature that displays the users, if you have worked your Stream through. Since it seems only logical that you deal in the future, more conscious of its digital leisure. Who drinks fast or at times no alcohol, could in the future put in the holidays, the cell phone aside. The first holiday Resorts already offer help with Social Media detox. Alone: How the world learns, how beautiful it is there? (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 28.12.2018, 18:32 PM