Celebrities Michelle Obama was yesterday to guest in ‘The Tonight Show’ with Jimmy Fallon. There was unveiled by the former first lady that they have at the end of Barack Obama’s presidency not quickly enough, the White House could leave. And she lifted a corner of the veil about her marriage to Barack, that is not always a bed of roses.

Reason for Michelle Obama’s visit to the studio of Jimmy Fallon was her new book, ‘Becoming’, the autobiography which is now in the shop.

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The book was there because she was in her life as much as choices for which they are to people had to justify, told Obama yesterday. So had she, after all, a dikbetaalde job at a law firm behind the careers of her husband’s work. the

Fallon cited a certain passage from the book, in which Michelle said she and Barack for a while, therapy followed. “A marriage is difficult. Even for us. We have a great relationship,” replies the former wife of late. The therapy was for her a real eye-opener. “I was one of those women who thought: “I take you to the therapy, so that you can be helped Barack Obama,” she says, “because I thought of myself that I was perfect.” But, during the interviews, she learned that it is not the responsibility of her man to make her happy. “I had to learn myself to perform, to get myself higher on my priority list.”

I always say: look, if you are 50 years married, and 10 of them are terrible, then you bring it very good there from.

Michelle Obama

Obama believes it is important to get that story out there, because she wants young people to learn that even the best marriages efforts require. “I don’t want people to specify, as soon as the difficult. I always say: look, if you are 50 years married, and 10 of them are terrible, then you’re very fortunate.”

“Bye Felicia”

When the time came to the presidentswoning to leave to make way for president Donald Trump and his wife Melania, was for Michelle not go fast enough. ‘Bye, Felicia, ” she said about her farewell to the White House. The American expression means as much as “I’ve had it with you”. The fact that her daughters and their friends the last night was a pyjamaparty wanted to organize, there was entirely too much, confess them.