Bladen County in the Southeast of the US state of North Carolina. Population: nearly 35’000. A Lot Of Farmland. More is hardly to say about the patch of earth. Bladen County is not a place that promises to be Special – but he’s excited for several days of national interest.

Bladen County is the scene of the currently largest case of election fraud in the United States. Or, more precisely, the part of Bladen County, to the 9. The polling district of North Carolina for the house of representatives in Washington. The Mid-term elections on may 6. November brought a narrow result.

238’000 votes were in 9. The electoral district of issued. The Republican candidate Mark Harris has 905 votes and declared the winner. His democratic opponent, Dan McCready admitted shortly after the election his defeat.

Even some Republicans are alarmed

at the beginning of December but the election Commission in the state has decided unanimously to certify the election results. On suspicion of electoral fraud.

Shortly thereafter, the Democrat, McCready took back the confession of defeat. And said on Twitter that he did not “take served Overseas in the Marines, to my home in North Carolina, as Criminals, paid for by my opponents, the people have the right to choose”.

And even the Republicans in North Carolina are alerted. The Executive Director of the Republicans in North Carolina, Dallas Woodhouse, asked for clarification and said there should be new elections if the allegations are confirmed. Candidate Harris denies having anything to do with the thing. 21. December will decide the election Commission now, as it goes on.

documents collected:

What happened? From the looks of it, were to the advantage of Republican candidates in hundreds of absentee ballot documents in the 9. Electoral district collected and partly falsified or destroyed. The scammers have a variety of stuff people statements paid to go in the neighborhood, door-to-door, to the postal ballot documents, to acquire. Dozens of voters reported that they had been pushed on the door, your choice to hand over the documents. Which of course is illegal.

The collected ballot papers were then reviewed. Someone had voted for Harris, were brought in the votes to be counted. Someone for McCready, she came into the shredder. Apparently, the scammers have also ensured that as many people as possible in Bladen County to apply for absentee ballot, and then more ballots to collect. In Bladen County the percentage of absentee voting was votes at 7.3 percent. In most of the other counties in the 9. Election district, the rate is about three percent.

Two signatures on 40 ballots

In Bladen County, Harris has got so amazing 61 percent of the absentee votes. Only 19 percent of voters who had requested absentee ballot were registered Republicans.

There were probably also collected a series of blank ballots. The fake hand. Not only that, the cross was subsequently made for Harris. There were also, apparently, the eight always the same people that you have signed. Two signatures appear alone on 40 ballots.

Convicted Republicans under suspicion

the organizer of The fraud, Leslie McCrae should be Dowless been, a registered Republican who in the 1990s it was already time for perjury and insurance fraud in prison sat. He is the elected Representative for water and soil issues in Bladen County. But, if the elections turn into a professional political consultant and election workers. Dowless in the area as a “ballot-by-Guru”. For decades, he is helping local candidates in exchange for money, when a very good letter to the election result.

Harris has hired him exactly why, he admitted now. In 2016, he is trying to win the area code of the Republicans. However, he failed. Also because another candidate was in the letter the result of the election massively in front of him. At that time had to leave Dowless. Now Harris wanted to make everything right. And Dowless has engaged. Harris asserts, however, that he had assumed that Dowless work with legal means.

candidate paid Suspect

The campaign of Harris Dowless still owes 34’000 dollars. On a note to the outside stalls, it was “compensation payment letter to voters in Bladen”, or “compensation for door-to-door”. In addition, Dowless is supposed to be a Bonus of another 40’000 Dollar assured if Harris wins the election.

The website Buzzfeed reported that even the Sheriff of Bladen County, to James McVicker, the questionable has accepted the help of Dowless, in order to secure his re-election this year. McVicker has paid Dowless 8800 dollars for it. The Sheriff stood on the same piece of paper for the election as Harris and McCready. And the election won.

for Decades, questionable postal ballot results

In 2010, worked Dowless for a Republican candidate, the district attorney wanted to be. The lost nearly. But even there, Under the letter to voters in Bladen County, he won 81 percent of the vote. In the entire election district, the candidate was able to convince only 52 per cent of postal voters. Bladen County is not exactly a Republican stronghold.

will be Investigated now, whether the code was tampered with, in the Harris in may, the incumbent Robert Pittenger with just 828 votes ahead hit. Here, too, was striking that Harris has won in Bladen County, 98 percent of the absentee votes. In the whole of the constituency he had won only 48 percent of the vote.

North Carolina is not a functioning democracy any more?

All of this is extremely problematic. But it is far from everything. Because in North Carolina no wonder such a wonder of the festivities. If the United States have a total of a democratic deficit, then, North Carolina has a particular problem in terms of Democracy. The US researchers Andrew Reynolds talks in his home state, in the meantime, to be a functioning democracy. And it does not need to Change electoral fraudsters like those who were apparently in Bladen County is active.

Reynolds has observed over the years, electoral processes in all Parts of the earth, and is the co-author of the world’s recognized Electoral Integrity Project Report, short-EID Report. Therein, 213 elections in 153 Nations are compared on the basis of certain values. As early as 2016, published by Reynolds, a Text about how surprised he was when he used the integrity of the parameters to North Carolina.

On the same level as Cuba

The U.S. state got after that, 58 points out of 100. Similar little like Cuba or Indonesia, two countries that would barely recognize anyone as a genuine democracies.

This has many reasons. The boundaries of the electoral districts about to be moved in North Carolina in such a way that it fits for a party particularly well. Mostly for the Republicans. “Gerrymandering” is the process that has become in North Carolina, and is practically a Hobby of the Republicans. For the integrity of the electoral district boundaries of North Carolina got only seven points out of 100, writes Reynolds. The not only have less points than all the other U.S. States. So a few points has no other measured country in the world.

district classification is preferred Republican

courts in North Carolina have ruled in the meantime that the choice must districts be changed. But had the Midterms, they still existed.

The led again to the will of the electorate is not reflected in the house of representatives of North Carolina. The Republicans got in November, about half of all votes. But in the House hold nevertheless, a clear majority. In the Senate of the Federal state, it does not look better.

“The rotten System has created a Monster”

North Carolina is also such a thing as the top US rider, when it comes to certain, a majority of democratically-minded groups of voters to Choose to make difficult, if not impossible. Reynolds has recently repeated on the website Politico that his assumptions and found that everything had become even worse. “Two years later, the quality of the democratic processes has declined. The rotten System has created a Monster.”

The Monster the Republican party in North Carolina. Reynolds writes, it can be no matter what the voters because they no longer have to listen to the voters: they would have been decoupled successfully by the principle that the people decide in elections whether they be the policies of the Ruling agree. In North Carolina, the Republicans always win.

There is democracy but not the problems in his state, the control Mark Harris, “frustration”, he says. Him frustrated that the election Commission, which is by the way half from Democrats and Republicans, let him hang. It should to new elections in 9. The polling district of North Carolina, can save a person from Harris anyway, another Frustration. Just that he omitted on the windy help of Leslie McCrae Dowless. If he wins the election, however, is questionable. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 20.12.2018, 09:58 PM