It is all from ordinary citizens to politicians, who have thrown themselves into a heated debate about the a højskolesang with the title ‘The Danish song is a young blond girl’. A song that’s barely two years ago seemed offensive on a female, brown researcher at CBS.

Viceinstitutleder on CBS Mads Mordhorst, who subsequently gave an apology to the female researcher, is quiet as the grave, but now responds to CBS in an official press release.

– CBS dropper not Højskolesangbogen. CBS is a diverse university with space for different opinions, high ceilings and free debate.

– Open dialogue as a means to intellectual progress and insight is a part of CBS’ DNA. Mutual respect is also key, says the principal of CBS Per Holten-Andersen, in the press release.

Viceinstitutlederen have on Wednesday morning commented on the song-the matter in a Facebook-posting. Here, he gives the expression that he believes that Kristeligt Dagblad, wrote about the case in the first instance, has angled for the focus.

Mads Mordhorst, however, over for the Extra the Magazine does not elaborate on its Facebook lookup.

– I have nothing more to say now here. I’ve put something up on Facebook, he says.

He also do not think that he has the desire to deepen at a later time, saith the viceinstitutlederen.