Weird to see An American who was condemned for the poaching of hundreds of deer, received from the court an additional penalty: he will be a year long at least once a month to the Movie Bambi need to look.

David Berry Jr. from the state of Missouri, in August, together with his father, David Berry Sr. and his brother Kyle Berry, arrested. The three of them had hundreds of deer illegally shot. Of the death of the animals they took every single of the cups. The carcasses they were just behind to rot. The trofeejagers beat usually at night, said Don Trotter, public prosecutor’s office of Lawrence County.

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Berry, Jr. was, however, not only a prison sentence of one year imposed. Judge Robert George decided that he was “in the Walt Disney film Bambi will have to see. For the first time on or before december 23, 2018, and then at least once per month in the subsequent months.” In the animated film from 1942 is the mother of hertje Bambi killed by a hunter.