put A couple of thin tranches on the with cream decorated potato soup, how wonderful. Gorgeous on buttrigem, warm toast, bread, enriched with capers, some onion, fresh ground pepper and a generous dollop of tears driving horseradish cream. The speech is from the smoke salmon, which was indispensable in the 80s, hardly a Buffet.

Meanwhile, the specialty has its Touch of luxury a little lost, although a nice Tranche of the delicacy still fits wonderfully to the festive days. Only problem is that you as a connoisseurs in the retailers in front of the shelf, you know, given the multiplicity of products, what to fish for out there. It is important to make several choices.

Atlantic or Pacific ocean?

With few exceptions, the following applies: In the Atlantic (and in the adjacent seas such as the East or the North sea) lives called the Atlantic salmon, Latin Salmo salar. This variety is equipped by nature with a much higher fat content than the natural Pacific Relatives.

In the Pacific, there are a total of six varieties, known as salmon. Most of the very expensive and up to 12-pound king salmon are widely distributed; the Sockeye (sockeye salmon), which is popular because of its attractive, bright red color; the Coho (silver salmon), which is different for lay people from the Sockeye hardly; finally, the Chum (Keta or dog salmon), which is rather low in fat and for hot serving dishes because of its optics is not necessarily suitable.

What is the area of origin prefer?

Due to the different species in the Atlantic and in the Pacific seems this question is at first glance just as pointless, and how to compare Apples with pears. What is of concern is Whether a European salmon from Norway, Scotland, or Ireland comes – especially if it is farmed fish: Each of these regions has different pronounced differences between high and low tide. And the greater this difference is, the more work needs doing to the fish in order not to be on the outer side of the breeding network down.

This more work has two consequences: on the one Hand, the salmon needs to be fed more, and, secondly, he has more muscle meat. This explains why the Irish salmon is more expensive than the Scottish, the Scottish more expensive than the Norwegian.

“It’s also water temperature, salinity and oxygen content, the feed also play a role,” emphasizes Rüdiger Buddruss, at the Migros subsidiary Micarna for Seafood responsible. “Why these differences can become blurred.”

breeding, or wild-caught?

Most Atlantic salmon Farms comes from here, the WWF recommends to pay attention to the two Labels “Bio” or “ASC”. The organization stresses, however, that it was in “ASC” to “result from a negotiation process with a variety of participants and, therefore, a compromise solution for all stakeholders”. “Organic”, however, according to the WWF was a Premium Label.

In the case of the various salmon species from the Pacific that will support the values of the predicate “MSC” is recommended. It is currently the most stringent Label for and receipt of inventory at the end of sea fisheries. “It is important to remember,” adds Corina Gyssler by the WWF, “the fact that 88 per cent of the global Catch are not certified and thus there is no Standards apply”. Helpful a free WWF App, which can be downloaded below www.wwf.ch/ratgeber .

Pink or orange?

“the Red of Atlantic salmon, particularly pronounced during the spawning season their food fish, is real, but only over a short period of time really so intense; otherwise rather Pink-grey”, explains Rüdiger Buddruss. “The farmed salmon is the result of feed additives.” These are the fish with the Bio-label of herbal and safe. In conventional fish farming, Xanthine, on the other hand, the concerns are part of a synth ethically, but the food is legally free. In summary, it can be said that the colour as a quality criterion.

salmon, salmon trout or sea trout?

Here it is watch: Only seven species may be strictly taken, referred to as the salmon. What can lead to the somewhat less noble, and often cheaper salmon trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) is brought to the man or the woman: Here, use of fantasy names such as “Ostersalm” or “Christmas salmon preparation”. The sea trout appears only rarely in the sale – you have to be anglers to have you on the plate.

sections or the entire half?

Here is Marina Hofmann from the fish trade Bianchi has a clear preference. Sections are used only for pasta dishes, because “they have often, but not always, a higher Trananteil.” Who wants to visually tranches beautiful, takes up a whole half: “And here it is high no matter whether the page is pre-cut or not.” As particularly noble is the filet from the middle part is true – because the Carving is particularly easy.

frozen or not?

Since salmon naturally has a high fat content, when Freezing this product, there is no major quality expected to be buses – “if it is professionally taken,” says Marina Hofmann.

it is Important just, adds Rüdiger Buddruss, when thawing, if you buy salmon from the TK-shelf – slowly approach: “At best this goes in agitated cold water.” Or covered in the refrigerator at approximately 5 degrees Celsius. You want to find his favorite product, you will hardly come EMSS Sample. Aptly Marina Hoffmann says: “Whether you prefer salty or less salty, and how strong a smoked salmon should be – this will remain a question of personal preferences.”

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 15.12.2018, 10:56 PM