Actually extends SMHI’s forecast so long as not longer than until 23 december, but starting from the weather conditions that are expected in the days before christmas eve, you can get a certain picture of the likelihood of sleet or watery crap they have at the height of the holiday season.

something like this:

• Low pressure systems from the Atlantic ocean, wander up along the Norwegian coast. They do not take the brand out of Sweden since a high pressure in the east are receiving, but they manage to send the occasional fronts that bring some precipitation.

• the Fronts are preceded by south winds which are relatively mild. It means the birth of christ in all the cases in the southern Region, while further north, it is winter temperatures.

• Covers give off a bit of snow in Norrland and Svealand, and perhaps also in the northern Region, but further south the rain.

– It vouches not for so where supervintrig christmas in the south, ” says SMHI-meteorologen Max Lindberg Stoltz.

– In the northern region, which received a lot of snow last week, it looks to continue to be cold. It is in the Region and to some extent Svealand, where there tend to be white christmases, as it can get green.

But nothing is set in stone, and tiodygnsprognosen turning a bit up and down in temperature from day to day. For example, is believed to Stockholm now to get several degrees below freezing, in the middle of next week. As late as on Wednesday, was predicted to mildväder at the time.

– It can happen much in the atmosphere that change the outlook for so long a period as ten days. But you get a hint, ” says Lindberg Stoltz.

. In the north, very wintery: On Thursday recorded the lowest temperature of the season in the Buresjön in central Lapland with -29,7 degrees. In many places in the north, it has, in the past day has been colder than 20 degrees below zero.

the Cause is a high pressure over the central and northern part of the country. In the northern region is the clear sky, while the clouds piling up in the south, which cushions the cold.

Along the east coast occur flurries here and there in the humid north-eastern wind over the open Baltic sea.

During the next weekend, turning the wind in the southern part of the country facing the east and eventually south, and in the beginning of next week will the first in a series of low pressure over the Norwegian sea and presses the high pressure a little to the east.

– But high pressure is still received. The low, can’t be bothered to get out of the country, but it can still affect the weather during the week leading up to christmas, ” says Max Lindberg Stoltz.

It means that in the beginning of next week could be a bit of snow over eastern Svealand and a bit up over southern Norrland

– No large amounts but a little more persistent than the flurries we have now.

Towards the end of next week, then a few cousins to it where the first low in the west, and so we get the tendency to get a little milder winds in the south which seems to consist up to christmas.

the chance of a white christmas near 100 percent in the mountains and north of the Northern inland, while about every other the is white in Stockholm and Karlstad in sweden, and only one of ten in lund.

A real american julkortsjul occurred not so long ago. On christmas morning 2010, all monitoring stations in the country at least a foot of snow. It was the whitest christmas of at least 110 years.

SMHI’s forecast is similar to the trend in the wxsim forecast SVT’s meteorologist Nitzan Cohen added up in november, and that he updates after the hand. It also speaks of a julväder where the places that usually have a white christmas, while the southern Götaland and large stretches of coastline probably expect with green lawns.

But the SVT looks further ahead and see trends to an increasingly colder weather in the whole country during January and February. The reason would be that the so-called polarvirveln, which keeps the cold air remains over the Arctic weakens.