Ranking – this is the world’s best airline

How punctual is the world’s different airlines? And how good is their service? It is the basis for the survey which lists the year’s best, and worst, airlines.

For the sixth time the company has Airhelp ranked the world’s best and worst airlines. By examining the airline’s punctuality, quality, and requirements engineering has the best and worst airlines colour. The top kneps of Qatar airways, which received 9.1 points out of a possible 10.

” Qatar is usually good. They have high timeliness and management of requirements, but servicekvalitén is the icing on the cake, where did the 9.5 points, ” says Andreas Hermansson, Airhelps Sweden-head.

Among other things, location, staff, value for money and the food and drinks have been investigated when the airline’s quality assessed.

Airhelp has since 2013 been working to help people pursue claims for compensation for delayed and cancelled flights, and how the airlines handle this is also something that is examined when the ranking has been made. Where ended up the Swedish SAS in the top 10 with a score of 9.2. In total, SAS 7.7 points, which meant that the airline ended up on place 35.

It is not all the world’s airlines has been ranked in the survey. Among other things, the airline must operate flights to Europe in order to participate in the survey.

– In some cases, we have for some statistics to be able to measure the airline.

On the last place, the icelandic airline Wow air with 5.0 points. But generally, the Airhelp an increased quality of the s the airlines.

– Many airlines have tightened. It has become tougher competition at the top, ” says Andreas Hermansson.

the World’s best airlines, 2018

the World’s worst airline, 2018