Brexit and no end. Almost three years after the British EU Referendum is still not clear when the British withdraw from the EU and whether you get off at all. The British Brexit-Ultras are Once again faced with the question of whether or not you agree with the EU to exit the contract or get your hopes on a “hard Brexit” should be buried. But also the EU now faces an uncomfortable choice. The community must decide whether to engage in a plan of lots extension or not.
Mays miscalculations
it is Still not ended the political endgame of the EU-exit in London. Head of government, Theresa May has made the Brexiteers a last concession, and your early cancellation in exchange for the consent of the hardliners to exit the contract offered. However, this might prove to be, as so often, a MIS-calculation of the headless acting Prime Minister. The Northern Irish-Protestant DUP does not want to engage in on the Deal to the Prime Minister. On whose votes the government relies but, if you want to bring the separation agreement with the EU through the Parliament. And without the divorce of the contract, the next Phase in the negotiations with the remaining 27 EU member States, where the future economic relations can begin.
a proposal by the Tories Clarke would be a way out
to demonstrate it Were solely a factual solution in the endless tug-of-war, then there is a possibility, which has shown the Tory Veteran, Kenneth Clarke. His proposal for the long-term relationship between the EU and the UK aims to ensure that both sides remain in a customs Union. The Problem for the Northern Ireland scheme in the exit contract, the difficulty with the Protestants of the DUP such a large head, would be within a customs Union, a comparatively easy rules.
such a property, solutions are interested in all those parliamentarians who debated on Wednesday very Seriously about a way out of the Brexit-mess. However, the members have missed at least the first time the Chance of your newfound Power in the struggle to play with a concept head of government. None of the eight options for further action, in the house of templates, received a majority. On almost most of the result was still in the vote on the customs Union proposal of Kenneth Clarke. Maybe also in the camp of the compromise-oriented members is not the final yet.
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Boris Johnson, it is only the Power
However, you may be given the British hand in the whole exit process, have to make not too great illusions. Especially in the case of the Conservatives, the question of how to bring the Brexit on the stage was always secondary to the intra-party power issue. No politician illustrates this more than the fickle Boris Johnson. Three years ago, the then mayor of London was at the top of the Brexit advocates. His home objective, the Prime Minister’s office in Downing Street was at that time. Johnson’s commitment, in the prospect of an early withdrawal Mays to agree to now, but the exit of the Treaty, shows The blonde Tory rebel want the Power and less of a viable Brexit solution.
Video 28.03.2019, 08:29 Uhr00:24 Min.Under the house, all eight Alternatives to Brexit-agreement
rejects it with horror
The EU is currently nothing to track as the angle of the trains in London. According to the current state can however, present the rods are neither supporters of the crushing method, as May is still the consensus of friends in there house in order, the EU at the end of a reasonable solution. And what comes then? New elections? Or a split in the Tories?
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Sebastian Borger
save the Expected the EU to 12. April to decide whether to offer the British a further extension of time. Should be found in London still no way out of the cul-de-SAC, then it must mean for the community: Better an end with horror than a horror without end – so a “hard Brexit”.