on the subject of bullying of Berlin and Germany. Many bullying Sufferers have reported in the past weeks, many parents have voiced their Concerns and demands. I welcome this debate to Express! Bullying is a Problem that is often underestimated, and part of the reason dismissed, that ‘kids do’.
But bullying is not a trivial matter, but a danger to body and soul. Three points are to me particularly important in this respect: bullying is a social Problem. The school system is in need of further improvements. And especially: The fight against bullying, we can only win together.
bullying today in schools, at work, in the society they are present Together. This is also helped by a steady worsening of the public Pitch, and a worrying decline in empathy and compassion. Where “victim” is a dirty word, there’s something wrong in our life together.
school as a mirror of the “adult-world”
schools also our “adult world always reflect”. If the worst insult that promises the most “likes” and the loudest cry is the biggest headline, then we reward behaviors that exacerbate the bullying problem in schools. And unfortunately, there are also some parents there is a conflict behavior, the role model. If parents on the school hallways, arguing with each other or with the teachers and according to the will, then can we expect of children is not respectful.
daily mirror people
order Now quarrels and conflicts are still bullying. Bullying continues to happen, is intentionally hurtful and excluding. For parents and teachers, these behaviors are not always apparent. This is especially true for cyber bullying, more and more attacks beyond the school gates and at any time of the day to take place. I’m therefore very important for The Concerned to decide when limits are exceeded. Whenever a child feels bullied, there is a need for action.
For the Berlin schools, we have developed in the last years, a number of instruments to bullying to prevent and to mobilize emergency help fast. Unfortunately, too many cases of Bullying remain unnoticed, overlooked the needs of patients too often or underestimated. This concerns first of all the school staff, but also the parents. According to the PISA-study in Germany and talk only 40 percent of parents of Victims of bullying with the teachers. Here, too, something must be done.
If children are skipping school, grades sagging or social contacts weight loss, faster and better responding. We will therefore intensify existing measures and new instruments to develop, in order to increase the sensitivity of the whole school community for bullying. This includes mandatory training for school principals. We revise already the reporting procedures for violent and bullying incidents, and we will continue to expand our Anti-bullying classes for parents as it is for the teaching staff.
student is regarded as a point of contact in the administration of education
in addition, If the offers are not being, or only a few used, then we need to make this more accessible. The direct line from students to students can reduce inhibitions, that is why I want to work together with the country’s student Committee a student as a contact person in my Agency. In the new program “Pro respect”, aimed at students, parents and teachers, to support additional social workers to schools with specific violence or bullying problems. In addition, I create a new Anti-bullying place, as additional coordination and contact opportunity in my Senate office.
A not to be underestimated Problem is, if bullying of teachers emanates. So rare, this may happen, so great the damage is, if the teacher exceed your behavior, educational, and personal boundaries. Your negative role model effect increases the size of the Problem. I wish at this point attentive colleges and a consistent crackdown on school heads and supervisors.
For me it is: bullying, we fight only if we give itself a good example. Hate-filled language and the devaluation of other opinions are counterproductive. We need to create common ground, ditches, close, understanding each other to develop.
“Any response must also be educationally sound”
schools also applies: mobbende children are still children. Your misconduct requires a prompt and significant Intervention, in the worst case, even by expulsion from School. But any response must also be educationally sound. As bullying overall, with a cool head and on a scientific basis must be combated in order to achieve short-term pop effects-lasting effect. With Professor Dr. Scheithauer of the FU Berlin is a renowned expert on violence prevention supported us. His Expertise is sure to be for the whole city.
schools without hassle and Stress. But when it comes to bullying, I have a clear goal: bullying-free schools for the whole of Berlin. This requires not only a consistently active education system, but the whole city society. I’m sure bullying-free schools are possible, if we oppose any Form of bullying at any place with clarity and consistency. This must be our common goal. We, the adults, are the students guilty.
Sandra Scheeres (SPD), Senator for education, youth, and family.
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Sandra Dassler
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