most people are waiting anxiously for an announcement from the government about how the summer package, which should kick time in the Danish economy, should look like? And we get to afford an extra Aperol Spritz for the summer?

We still do not know the answer, but both Nicolai Wammen and Mette Frederiksen has given clues over the last few days.

on Tuesday the prime minister said directly, that the payment of holiday pay included ‘very much in our thoughts’, while Nicolai Wammen, has called it a strong tool in the box.

But how do you use real money in the best. Ekstra Bladet has asked financial advisor and owner of the company Pengerådgivning Nicolaj Christensen, who stresses that there is a difference between holiday pay-fifs depending on your financial situation.

– First, it’s about that all people’s situations are not the same. For those who have been challenged and lost a job or gone down in salary, so is the extra money a super supplement to get better through the crisis. If a family has gone down, so may the money be with to, that they can maintain their standard of living, says Nicolaj Christensen for the Extra Magazine.

He points at the same time, maintenance of the property or hire purchase of expensive consumer loans may be a good way to spend his money on, if the pinch with the economy.

however, If you earn well and as such do not need the money, so he has the following advice:

– If you have a good economy, pay the highest tax and may not really need the money, then I would look towards your retirement plan. It is a free way to get cut your tax on. It is obvious, if you don’t need the money, ” says Nicolaj Christensen

You can read Ekstra big guide to the use of your holiday here. Here you will also find the answer on how you use the money in the best, if you want to boost the Danish economy:

Close to the Big guide: How to use your holiday pay the best

FAQ about the frozen holiday pay Why is my holiday pay frozen?

The new ferielov is based on the concept samtidsferie. It means that you are continuously saving vacation up, so you can keep the vacation as you earn it. Specifically, you will earn 2,08 days holiday per. month from 1. september 2020. The new rules mean, that there is a transitional period, and then we have the problem. Both your in already banked staggered holiday and your samtidsferie would mean that you would have 10 weeks of vacation a year. It would be too expensive for employers, and so have the politicians decided to freeze your staggered holidays.

When will I get them paid?

In principle, you will only receive your money when you have the right to your pension. Unless the government and the political parties decide that they need to be paid to the danes before.

How much do I get?

It appears likely on your paycheck, how many holiday exactly that you have earned so far. Alternatively, you can get an idea of it by using the calculator below. You can even calculate the amount by taking 12.5 per cent of the employment income that you have had in the period 1. september 2019 to 31. august 2020.

Why should I have to pay tax on them?

You always have to pay tax on your holiday pay. It would also make if they were paid in the normal way, that sometimes it just happens automatically and continuously. If you extraordinary to get them paid, so it has NOT happened automatically, and then you have to pay tax on them.

at the time Of writing it remains unclear how the money will be distributed in the sommerpaken.

According to Ekstra information is the so-called ‘helicopter money’ part of the consideration. That is, a check from the state, which is shared out to a larger group of danes.

See also: Get paid your holiday pay: Now move it closer to the

The indfrosne holiday pay is also an option. Since september last year is an amount equal to 12.5 percent of the Danish ferieberettigede salary has been frozen.

Several parties have suggested that the money is being paid just now.

It is otherwise supposed that the frozen funds are only payable at retirement age.

See also: Get paid your holiday pay: Now move it closer to the