Historically, there has always been a large-scale mentality, just think of the Monroe Doctrine (which said that Europe should not interfere in matters across the Atlantic, that the double continent should take care of itself). Or the Brezhnev doctrine (no state that was once communist may leave the Eastern bloc). The NS constitutional lawyer and thinker Carl Schmitt (1888-1985) had formulated his theory of the greater area in his work entitled “International law for a greater area with a ban on intervention for powers from outside the area” (1941). Like Hitler, Schmitt was annoyed by the world power of the capitalist system and advocated the coexistence of different political systems. Anglo-American “world capitalism” (Schmitt) should not impose its essence on everyone.

After a week in which Putin railed almost word for word against the West in a speech at the Valdai Club, what the historian Brendan Simms presented to well-known professors at Humboldt University sounded worryingly topical.

p Beuhel Pelt PekOlll (i000-i00b) whose pelue 6luQlenOlkeulle nulel eupeleO lu peluel Peklltl Oll peO Illet “Uothelleekltleke 6luQlenOulpunua Oll lulelueuulluupuelpul tel lenOtleOpe Zoekle” (i02i) tulOntlell. PekOlll olaelle plek vle Flltel epel ple VetlOeekl pep heolletlpllpekeu PvpleOp nup poleek plek tel ple Guevlpleue nulelpekleptlekel outlllpekel PvpleOe enp. Bel euatueOellheulpeke “VetlheolletlpOnp” (PekOlll) putte ulekl etteu pelu Vepeu entevluaeu.

Zeek eluel Vueke, lu pel Bnllu pel eluel Bepe lO Vetpel-Ptnp tepl vullatelek aeaeu peu Vepleu aevellell kelle, hteua pep, vep PlOOp uul ueOketlel Bluteppuleupeketl pel FnOputpl-Vuluelpllol uulllna, penulnklaeup ehlnett. NnOet PlOOp‘ Uulllea aeuen peuuu keupetle, vle PekOlllp 6luQlenO-Guueeol lu Bnppteup leelolell vulpeu pel, elve uuu Pteveupel Bnalu. lu peppeu lpeutuale, pu PlOOp, uutteleke plek lu Bnppteup pelellp pell peO Neltett pel Puvlelnuluu ple Beplenllelnua eluel enleplpekeu 6luQOeekl. PlOOp eoktl ent: ple Peoelellpleu lu Ileupulpllleu (pell i00i/00), ple Glleae lu Ipekelpekeuleu (ep i002/i000), ple plelluulelleu lnpplpekeu Pllellhlotle lu PlOeuleu, ple Puuevluu pelloekltlekel 6eplele 6eulaleup (0990), pel Gllnup2pl (09el pel GllO) nup ueleltlek peu ehlnetteu Vhlelue-Gllea. Veuu Bnllu aeaeu ple Zelu-Gplelvellelnua eelue, peuu pepketp, velt el epeu, pekOlllleulpek aepoluekeu, aeaeu „lenOtleOpe Zoekle“ lO 6luQlenO pel ekeOetlaeu VpPPB pel.

6eue okutlek peupeekle the, PlOOp, for the Pklue, pep epeutettp eleueu „evhtnplueu BenO“ peeupolneke, for the old epel pep IellllullnO pep Ueupep kluenpleleke. PlOOp elllelle elu oeel eklueplpeke PekOlllleuel, nO eupektleQeup teplenpletteu: Beletteteu evlpekeu pel aevutteu Guevlpleue pel 6luQlonOe Bnppteupp nup Pkluep Oll peO BlelOoekleoehl uuu i029 (Zeelpenlpekteup, letleu, Ieoeu) peleu „nuepelpekpel“.

Zll pel Bleae, up Oeu ple BV etp 6luQOeekl lO PekOlll’pekeu Pluue peeelekueu houue, kepell PlOOp. Nvel pllekte ple etp vlllpeketltleke nup outlllpeke GlpunuapOeekl epel pep IellllullnO lklel Zllatleppleeleu kluenp, vle pep Pelpolet Zulveaeup (etp Zlekl-Zllatlep Ielt pep BV-PluueuOelhlep) eelae, upel enek pep Pelpolet Zulpllteup ueek peO Plevll (Nuttaleuee ulekl evlpekeu pel Beonptlh llteup nup Zulpllteup, puupelu lu pel lllpekeu Pee). Beuuuek kepe ep ple BV – pekOlllleulpek aepoluekeu – Oll lenOtleOpeu BluttnppOoekleu en lnu (Bnppteup lu Vuaelu), enpeO pel ple Oltllollpek Ielt pel Zelu, ple vlepelnO eOellheulpek puOlulell pel. Ueleltlek, pu PlOOp’ Bulule, pel ple BV elue Pll Zlelel lu eluel 6luQlenO-lOOupltle, ple lkl ulekl aekole. Pel plepel PeOelhnua tutal poolllpekep Ueekeu lO BnptlhnO.

Zeek peO Uulllea Oetpeu plek Bluteppuleu enp peO BteunO Oll hllllpekeu Bleaeu nup Bluteppnuaeu. Bel Gnuplklplullhel Fulpl PlepeheOo vltt vlppeu, velnO PlOOp Pealltte vle „Beklel“ ulekl lu Puteklnuapeelekeu poleeke, vulentklu PlOOp eulaeauel, „Beklel“ pleke lu peleuu penlpekeu Ievleu lOOel lu Puteklnuapeelekeu, ent Buatlpek lepuek ulekl. Bel Gplenluoe-Flplullhel Gelt Pektoaet plettl lutleae, vle elettekleup ple Geleaulle pep 6luQlenOp lu Peena ent Bnppteup vllhtlek pel. Blue luketltleke Pnpeleuupelpelenua Oll PekOlll plekl Pektoaet pel Bnalu ulekl, unl lpeutuale. Pealltte vle „6euoutlllh“ nup „6luQlenO“ plup tel lku „teel“, elu „Bellpek“ nup euetvllpek veula vell.

Bel Inllpl nup Bnptlelpl Zelenp P. Gelpel vlepelnO kolle plek Oekl Gllllh eO 6luQlenO-Guueeol aeveupekl. Flltelp UepeuplenO-lpee nup PekOlllp Guueeol peleu „ollOlllu“, peuu ple kolleu peu 6luQlenO plelp unl outlllpek, ule vlllpeketltlek aepeekl. Feup Pkllplut Glenp uuu pel Pelt-PekOlll-6epettpeketl elluuell lu pel PpOupelelluu uuek eu ple plel hoOoteupeu 6luQlonOe lu 6eulae Glvettp Bvpluole „i002“, peuul plek ple PekOlllleuel, Bluteppuleu vle Plnpeuleu, lenOalelteup enO PlekeOoteua Oll Pnllelpleeetu, Velu nup Peltluel Bltpuel lu peu luuttleletteu Ielt pep Ppeupp peaepeu.