Swedish car dealers have got a nifty idea.

the Idea is a form of afgiftsfinte. It takes advantage of two facts: A Swedish rule from 2011, which means that first-time buyers of ’supermiljöbilar’ (hybrid and electric vehicles, ed.) can get paid a sum of 20,000 or 40,000 Swedish kronor (about 15,000 or 30,000 Danish kroner (dkk) as well as the high demand of electric cars in Norway, where people currently have to wait a very long time to receive the green car, they have written themselves on the waiting list to buy.

In all, the trick has been used on the 1533 cars, which is the equivalent of 39 million. Swedish kronor have been thrown for green cars, which have subsequently been sent out of the country. It writes Expressen, in collaboration with Transportstyrelsen in Sweden have drawn up a list of cars from the period 2017-18, which has been afregistreret.

When it happens for new cars, it is almost always because they need to be sold further abroad, writes the newspaper.

According to Expressens list is opladningshybrid version of the Mitsubishi Outlander the car, as afgiftsfinten the most number of times has been made. It comes in a total of 420 copies, of which the total prize amount up to 8.4 million. Swedish kronor.

the Newspaper mentions a car dealer from the Swedish city of Linköping as an example. The dealer had purchased the 100 Outlander models, all produced in 2017 or 2018. In the period July-august of 2018, all cars cancelled, and the dealer has therefore received eur 2 million. Swedish crowns in prize money – quite according to the rules.

In an email to Expressen explains the car dealer with 100 cars was sold to a domestic biloperatør.

Opladningshybriden Mitsubishi Outlander is according to Expressen the car model, which afgiftsfinten has been used the most time on. Photo: Mitsubishi

The Swedish car dealer who most diligently availed of afgiftsfinten, has received a total of prize money to a value of 4.7 million. Swedish kronor. Expressen has tried to get the dealer in conversation, but without success.

instead, the newspaper has obtained a comment from Volkswagen Sweden, which has received eur 1.3 million. Swedish crowns in prize money for 50 cars, which was subsequently sold abroad.

– It’s about cars, which is funded by the Volkswagen Finance, and as car dealers later sold, in this case, out of the country. The reason is that in some countries there is a big demand on the used opladningsbiler, among other things, because here there are very strong incentives to buy the cars used, says Marcus Thomasfolk, who is the information manager of the VW Sweden, Expressen with thinly-disguised reference to Norway.

Here is free power, free parking and driving in bus lanes, among the carrots used to lure people away from a conventional internal combustion engine.

the Rule to pay prize money to first-time buyers of green cars were introduced by the then Swedish government in december 2011. In advance were the politicians warned about the risk by designing the rules, as they have done it.

Transportstyrelsen in Sweden recommended, for example, that the rule only should apply to private individuals, and that one would first get paid the prize money after six months. But it selected the Swedish government is therefore to overhear.

the industry organization Car Sweden has several times been in the media with statements that the number of green cars in Sweden should be much higher than it is, but that it is being kept artificially low by a low offer. Thus, several car manufacturers, including Volkswagen and Volvo, challenges with meeting the demand.

the Article in Expressen mentions, inter alia, to 133 versions of the Hyundai Ioniq has been cancelled. It is similar supposedly to 17 percent of the models has disappeared out of the country. In the case of the electric powered Mercedes B-Class is 56 percent.

Measured per capita, Norway is the world’s largest importer of electric cars.