
The transparent man is KI even more transparent

Germany is back in the race for artificial intelligence behind other Nations. Investments from the EU and the Federal government are, therefore, a good...

When children are beaten, all the little

A real law that comes too late: parents in France are not allowed to beat your children. This is a private matter, to...

As if it were a Russian lake

Russia is expanding its influence in the Crimea. Therefore, there are Considerations to send OSCE observers to the sea of Azov. There, Russia has...

If the E-singing car

to increase security, you must have developed electric cars in the future sound systems on Board, the other participants in traffic in front...

Smurf and Sclabas get EM-silver in the Cross

great success for the Swiss athletics : Fabienne Schlumpf at the Elite and Delia Sclabas in the case of the...

The roadmap will change – the new trains are delayed

From (today) Sunday is the new SBB timetable. Very large changes. And also the new double-Decker trains of the type FV-Dosto, to...

As Merkel Kramp-Karrenbauer to the Chancellor could make

According to the will of Angela Merkel's New CDU leader, Kramp-Karrenbauer to be her successor in the Chancellery. There are several ways. But...

The new Federal Council controls already on a scandal to

is gone a Few days after the historic election of two Federal councillors, the euphoria in the Federal house. The first decision...

Summit with a bad omen

Heads of state and government have announced in the Polish city of Katowice, to the opening of the UN climate summit on Monday. The...

USA: poison gas attack in Syria was faked

A spokesman for the US Ministry of foreign Affairs said on Friday that the gas attack theory is wrong. The story, according...



Explosie bij chalet: bewoner gewond door glassplinters

Op camping De Molenheide aan de Vijverweg in Schijndel heeft donderdagavond een explosie plaatsgevonden bij een van de chalets, waarbij de bewoner gewond raakte...

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