When it comes to parking at the beach, there is no shortage of people who are desperate. It is difficult to find parking near the beach for a car when the coast doubles in population. Some people park their cars in areas that aren’t permitted, others pull a picaresque. Last year Costas definitively prohibited parking on Motril beach.
Like every season, the city council allows plots that can hold 3,000 cars. It is however more difficult to find a place in Playa Granada. Accesses to the parking lot next to Los Moriscos or Bonobo are clogged with vehicles, and the town hall doesn’t turn a blindeye.
Today’s beachgoers found a very nasty souvenir recipe on their windshield after they parked on the dirt road. Every summer, the Citizen Security area intensifies surveillance and the Local Police has issued a flood of fines. Those who are sanctioned will be fined up to 100 Euros.