she was in the congregation in Thun, in koniz, Biel, Bern, of course. A small Tour bernois. A Beginner’s Mistake. “We didn’t know we had the 400 signatures notarized,” says Claudia Kaiser, co-founder of The love, very very love to party, short DLSSLP. To be eligible for the national Council elections, to parties, such as those of Kaiser (first point in the party’s program, comply with: “love, always and everywhere”), a Quorum – and with notarized signatures. Until next Monday, the satirical party has now time, to verify the already collected signatures on the various municipalities in the Canton of Bern. Otherwise, it was the one with the national Council elections.

the problems of The DLSSLP Marianne Binder does not know. As President of the CVP Aargau Binder with so many lists may move in the options , how you want – without the need for any signatures and certify to collect. The unequal treatment is a result of a change in the law, which was so far received scant attention. The new Federal election law before the established parties assigned to the newcomers.

Want to participate in the System – even if it means effort: Claudia Kaiser is a co-founder of The love, very very love party in Bern. Photo: Franziska Roth Buehler

no one, the new law uses so consistently as Marianne Binder: your cantonal party occurs at the 20. October with nine different electoral lists. In Figures: 9. Of course, there are, as previously, the CVP-main list. On this, those Candidates who have a real Chance to stand. In addition, the voters but also a CVP farmers can drop-list, a Christian social list, a list of “Executive” CVP municipal councils and five regional nominations. All of these sub-lists are associated with the main list. This means that the votes for the main list for the benefit of the sub-lists in the end, probably.

A Swiss record

With your list glut is the CVP Aargau promising candidate for a Swiss record. Presumed never a cantonal party has participated in the Federal elections with more candidates.

The CVP Aargau is an Extreme but not an isolated case. Also sections of other political parties in some cantons, with a whole series of electoral lists, the SP in train with six, the FDP in Schwyz with five, the SVP in the Grisons and the Green group in the Wallis with the four. Here, the imagination of the parties, there are no limits. In Solothurn, the FDP presented a list of “digitization”, in Aargau, the SP is a “Queer-feminist list”, in St. Gallen, the Green a list of “Climate-seniors”.

One can speak, without exaggeration, of a list boom. In the first four cantons, in which the deadline is already over, there are, on average, more lists than ever before in history. In Aargau 36 lists are total to choose from (plus 13 compared with 2015), in Bern, 34 (8), and in Graubünden, 20 (plus 5). Only in Zurich, the number of lists drops slightly to 32 (minus 3).

The party is only as successful as all of them are together.Marianne Binder

numbers in Parallel, explode the Candidates. The voters are on 20. October is almost confusing large number of Candidates are facing. In Bern, 651 persons in the national Council want 15 percent more than last Time. In the Grisons 100 (plus 42 percent), in Aargau, 496 (plus 72 per cent!). Although the election registration period in the past the cantons only at 26. August runs out, it is already practically certain that there will be a new all-time high. The number of 422 lists and 3788 Candidates in the elections in 2015 (see chart) is likely to easily be exceeded.

more and more, becoming more and more confusing. Why do the parties? Why are you doing this to us?

With the many Canadians, the CVP Aargau wool motivate to participate in the policy, and their “mobilization potential” exploit, says Binder. The idea is that all candidates have a personal motive to engage in the election battle. In addition, he aims to motivate his private environment, from family, work or Clubs, to choose him and his list of hotchpot. If each of the candidates brings to the table at the end of this way only for 50 additional votes, it can decide whether the party to get another seat or not. “The party is only as successful as all of them are together, it is,” says Binder.

loyalty no longer lies primarily with the parties,

at the same time binder’s list of offensive is also an act of desperation. The CVP Aargau has crashed in the last elections to a historic Low, and today still maintains a single national Council mandate in Bern. If you want to create the reversal of the trend, says Binder, then, there is a need now, “the Commitment of the whole party”.

And such a Multi-list strategy can work. The Barbara Gysel, President of the SP train, which has tried out the strategy as early as 2015, says. Then, the SP pulled a train with six lists in the elections, has so brought, though not a seat, but its vote share significantly increased. This year, the party is now even with the seven lists into the race – notably in a Canton, has just awarded three national Council mandates.

most of The Zuger SP candidates have no Chance of getting a seat. They would but all of the “the common Motivation for a left-hand seat,” says Gysel; she speaks of “solidarity candidates”. “The strict loyalty to a party decreases in the population,” says Gysel. This is why the parties would have to enable “more and more personal Connections and loyalties”.

Not just from the outside criticize

political and strategic Considerations are a part of the explanation of why the elections are so crowded. The second parties, such as the DLSSLP in Bern are pushing the time more or less seriously on the political stage. In the case of the love party, it was in spite of all the Gimmick, the Former, says Claudia Kaiser. To criticize “from the outside, is not easy. We want to be a part of the system to change it.” That’s why you take all of the effort of Collecting the signatures, and Certify to the municipality offices, the election campaign.

The prospects for success of the DLSSLP are in spite of everything, cost is very modest. Since it hardly pays to bolt with any tricks and lists of votes. For the established parties, however, believes political science Professor Daniel Bochsler. For three reasons, he is of the benefits of multiple lists convinced: first, a party can represent the party internal width better. Secondly, you could target different segments of the commercial circles, climate, interested, or gender moving. And thirdly, there is a certain amount of scientific evidence that more choice lists bring more votes.

The only question is: Where is the limit? Can you overdo it with the lists? Not be mobilized the voters from a certain list number, but so much confused, that you stay at home, or for a different party? This, says Bochsler, there is no scientific data. This means that The nine lists of the Aargauer CVP are at least an exciting political Experiment. Much worse than last Time it can run for you, in any case.

Created: 10.08.2019, 21:56 PM