Young used to launder money

more and more young people are exploited by organised crime to launder money. The majority are under 25 years. The police have investigated the case where tolvåringar acted so-called penningmålvakter to the grossly criminal.

“Many people are unaware that it is a criminal offence,” says Linda Staaf, national kommenderingschef on the police national operations department (Noa).

According to the police, the number of young people and young adults who act penningmålvakter increased substantially in the past few years. Around 70 per cent of the penningmålvakterna is today between 15 and 25 years of age, some even younger.

Penningmålvakten wash the money through to grant their bank account for that move, take out or carry over funds that come from criminal activities.

Organised crime

Often the money will come from so-called vishingbedrägerier, where the scammer via telephone trying to get over the bank details from the generally older people. The criminals behind are generally well-known by the police.

– It is organised crime. For us, the famous people who commit other kinds of crime; drugs, violence, and many of the firings we’re seeing with the link to the vulnerable areas. The same perpetrators use fraud to fund his crime, ” says Linda Staaf.

– There are unscrupulous people lurking of the elderly, their life savings, and the exploits of young people, who are in turn at risk of being sentenced for the crime, end up in the judicial record and are drawn into a life of crime.

the Phenomenon is not new, but it previously required the organisation to be facilitated in the day of digitization, with seamless network services from the bank.

increasingly, is not penningmålvakten aware that the conduct is criminal. The goalkeeper, for example, can be fooled by a criminal person who claims that there has been a feltransaktion and that the money should be sent back.

How the prize is in contact with the youth and the young adult looks varies. Many times they are superficially familiar with it that asks about the service. A part smickras to be a part of a certain intercourse, or gangs. It is not uncommon to penningmålvakten look up to the criminals, or are attracted by the quick profits.

” It is such a widespread crime, that we can’t point out a specific group of young people. A group that is young newcomers, but it is not just the. Searching for penningmålvakter in schools, at the pub, it can be anyone, ” says Linda Staaf.

in Addition to chasing the chief working police at the national level, inter alia, to influence the banks to make the transfer of money. Locally, there is a preventive work through contact with young people, the potential penningmålvakterna.

They allow this crime. In part because they are deceived themselves, but they are also medgärningsmän.

The one who acted penningmålvakt risk in addition to penalty as medgärningsman also be required to repay the washed money.

Guardians can also become repayable in their child’s place on the acting penningmålvakt is a minor.

At the penningtvättsbrott of normalgraden is the punishment of imprisonment for up to two years. The felony terms of imprisonment in a minimum of six months and a maximum of six years.

Penningtvättsförseelse, which is a petty offense, provides fines or imprisonment for up to six months.