– I am sorry. The can I buy for 50,000 dollars (325.000 kroner, ed.).

that was the gist of it, according to NME from Katy Perry, who outbid one of its own fans in the fight on a date with Orlando Bloom. Which now leads to criticism.

the Whole of the strange incident happened on Sunday, where Katy Perry performed at velgørenhedsshowet One Love Malibu, which total money for those who lost their homes in the forest fires that ravaged California last month.

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After his appearance selected Perry to auction off her boyfriend, actor Orlando Bloom. According to Katy Perry could be the highest bidder win a motorcycle treat with the star, and it was popular.

toward the end, threw away a fan by the name of Laura a bid of 20,000 dollars (131.000 crowns, red.) off for a ride on the bike with Orlando Bloom. But so did Katy Perry cold feet.

– It means that when you sit on the motorcycle with him, you keep him on a way, which I’m not so fond of. So to keep you on his pectorals and abdominal muscles, it sounded from Katy Perry, before she let jealousy win.

– Laura, you’re going to love it here. Laura, I’m sorry. I am buying date for 50,000 dollars, said Katy Perry.

Intl. known – 15. mar. 2018 – at. 15:50 Uncomfortable and unwanted: Katy Perry-kiss destroyed everything

Thus it was for a long nose for the poor fan, and it decreased other in the chest.

– It is only pocket money for you. You could have donated the money and let a mutva fan get his engangsoplevelse, writes on Instagram.

Regardless, so there were gathered a good bit of extra coins in for the good cause.