
Person in question the man ’one of Malmö’s most dangerous criminal’

Person in question the man ’one of Malmö's most dangerous criminal’ Was the prime suspect for the murder of Brotherhood's leader Alex Ghara...

The Latest in the Zurich cinemas

In the new Julia Roberts Film, a drug returns addict son to his family. Someone is tilting at a Feast, a dance...

May not lead the party in the next election

May not lead the party in the next election During a meeting with conservative meps ahead of the vote, made it clear to...

Family reunification was stopped by the maktstrid

Family reunification was stopped by the maktstrid the formation of the government: the Centre party backed out at the last moment ...

Lööf budgetsvek – a crushing blow to the environment

Lööf budgetsvek – a crushing blow to the environment Isabella Lövin: Budget (C) release the forward is bleak reading for all who want...

Divided reactions on the budget

Divided reactions on the budget the Reactions are many and mixed, after M's and KD's common budgetreservation klubbats through in parliament. Several organisations...

What happens if the filter bubble bursts?

anyone Who owns a Gmail mailbox, and as a registered user of Youtube open, on the home page of the video portal...

Of prejudice, and Asia travel

Alain free people, Pelikan purchase 20 at 35/95 franc Once the solo moved from Thurner, to...

Pewdiepie is accused of having recommended the anti-semitic youtube channel

It is at the end of a new clip as ”Pewdiepie” recommend other channels on the platform he likes to check on....

I should not run away

According to the critics, you are, since 2012, in the starter mode. Not to burn? I think I'm dying...



Exitpolls Japan: coalitie verliest meerderheid in parlement

De regeringspartijen in Japan verliezen mogelijk de meerderheid in het parlement, volgens exitpolls. De sociaal-liberale LDP en de junior regeringspartner Komeito lijken een fors...

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