Support for Ukraine is crumbling particularly badly among Germans
Where peuhl play Vetl epel peu lnpplpekeu Puallttphllea, I aluQ lpl with Beehketl tel play Vhlelue hueoo elu Iekl ueek Glleappealuu? Bep tleueoplpeke Zelhltulpeknuapluplllnl...
Greens announce reform plans for party financing
After the judgment of the Federal Constitutional Court on party funding, calls for a more fundamental reform of party law are becoming louder. On...
Why Scholz Faeser accepts the difficult double role
Social Democrat Nancy Faeser hasn't even been chosen as her party's top candidate for the Hessian elections in around eight months, when the competing...
Suddenly, the French doubt whether the pension is really in danger
Resistance to Emmanuel Macron's pension reform is growing, the fronts are hardening. The gradual increase in the retirement age from 62 to 64 is...
Federal Network Agency considers power supply to be safe if coal is phased out...
A secure power supply would be guaranteed even if coal were completely phased out by 2030: This is the conclusion of a report by...
According to the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, modern fracking is “absolutely justifiable”
From the point of view of an expert at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), fracking to extract domestic gas in deep layers of...
The man who dismissed Scholz and turned to China
Brazil's President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva caught German foreign policy on the wrong foot with his stance on the Russian war of aggression....
"It's undemocratic," the FDP man throws at the climate activist
When weatherman Sven Plöger was skiing at the beginning of January this year, it looked "like the end of August". At plus twelve degrees...
"Some voters will probably think: I'm fed up with the circus"
The re-election to the Berlin House of Representatives can take place as planned on February 12. In a decision published on Tuesday, the Federal...
Federal government did not have tank stocks checked for Ukraine deliveries in 2022
According to a press report, the federal government did not check the available stocks of the Bundeswehr throughout 2022, despite demands from home and...