
Municipal in Strasbourg : LREM LR and merge their lists, not of agreement PS-EELV

Until the last moment, Jeanne Barseghian, the head of the list EE-LV and PC, which with 27,87% turned into lead on the...

Levallois : Philippe adoube the alliance between Bregeon of LREM and Courson, the historic...

A blessing from the prime minister to turn the page on the "Balkanisme". Edouard Philippe met this Tuesday, June 2, Arnaud de...

Municipal in Paris: Anne Hidalgo is an agreement with environmentalists

The horizon brightens more and more for Anne Hidalgo. The candidate socialist outbound to Paris has sealed an agreement late Monday night,...

Municipal in Paris : Cédric Villani on the path of withdrawal

"Anne Hidalgo wants to form a majority in his hand", persifle an actor of the discussions. The negotiations for the second round...

From friendship to betrayal… How the relationship between Macron and Collomb torn

It is a violent break-up, brutal. All the more that it is conducted in the open air, under the gaze often mesmerised...

Paris grid politeness to Philip and says, by mistake the re-opening of its parks

squares, gardens and parisian parks will reopen from the 2nd of June: it is in any case what was stated by the...

Made in France, local solutions… Theafter-crisis parliamentary resembles that of the French

French and parliamentarians are drawing together the lessons of the health crisis. The sake of strengthening the "made in France", placing more...

Mélenchon precludes application of Ruffin in 2022 : For the moment, the flag is...

Jean-Luc Mélenchon puts the record straight. Often referred to by the Dissenters of the "soap opera in the media", the rivalry within...

Premium care : for LR, the colour of the departments should not be a...

Not distinguish between red zones and green zones for the allocation of the premium to the healthcare providers. The Republicans will be...

Municipal in Paris : Agnès Buzyn confirms his candidacy

End of the suspense : Agnès Buzyn will be the candidate of The Republic in march to the city hall of Paris...



Stijging van seksuele misdrijven gemeld door politie in eind 2024

Politie meldt stijging van seksuele misdrijven in eind 2024Op zondag 9 maart 2025 om 10:30 uur publiceerde de politie jaarlijkse cijfers waaruit blijkt dat...

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