End of the suspense : Agnès Buzyn will be the candidate of The Republic in march to the city hall of Paris for the second round. It was confirmed on Tuesday in front of his troops his “application and his determination” in view of the election on 28 June, according to several participants of this meeting-house. “I am fully committed, determined, combative. Here we go. “, she assured.
The uncertainty and the anxiety that reigned within of marchers in paris. Tuesday morning, four days after the prime minister confirmed the organization of the second round of the municipal elections on 28 June, Agnès Buzyn had to meet by videoconferencing its heads of list at 8am, before a second meeting at 9 o’clock, with his campaign team. The former minister of Health, withdrawn and silent after called “the masquerade” the maintenance of the first round of the municipal elections in the midst of a crisis of health, was, according to several executives, internal, announce that she was taking his campaign for the second round.
Board of inquiry
But at 23h12 on Monday evening, the campaign manager, Paul Midy, has sent a message Telegram lapidary to postpone these two meetings, without explanation. “We will get back to you tomorrow during the day to snap a new niche”, did it write. Immediately, the rumor of the withdrawal of the race this hematologist renowned rebounded. Because after his revelations in The World about the outbreak of coronavirus, Agnès Buzyn knows she will have to explain himself before the parliamentary commission of inquiry of the Senate, at the end of the month. “This is no longer tenable, she understands that it’s going to be the horror”, about a candidate, on Monday evening. “It has changed several times, to notice since this weekend, and still hesitates to go back in the campaign, believed a minister. There is a lot of irresponsibility on the part of officials LREM which are the seat of Agnes all the days to convince her to return, and begin again and again. The risk is that it will end up permanently in a week of the election when we will have filed the lists, we will look evil.”
read also : Municipal: in Paris, Walkers ready to push Guerini if Buzyn was defected
“Agnes Buzyn suffers from being as much slandered, continued an elected official in paris. I don’t know if she has the nerves to go back in the campaign. As Emmanuel Macron is charging. She is torn between the urge to go to save his honour and say that Paris is a grim reaper. I think that it is prevented.” On the occasion of a trip to the hospital of the Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital, may 15, the president delivered a mea culpa on the government’s health policy.
Monday morning, the delegate general of the presidential party, Stanislas Guerini, often presented as a possible alternative to Agnès Buzyn in the capital city, confirmed on Europe 1 that the doctor would take back the political fight for the second round. “I hope Macron will move and ask a mediator to manage the situation. There is no way to Bourg-en-Bresse, but in the capital…”, was exasperated a candidate before the maintenance of the candidacy of the ex-minister.
SujetAgnès Buzyn626 commentairesMonsieurJudorle 26/05/2020 16:56
A commentator, argued in his defence on the fact that it was not a policy but a doctor…
In reality it is a clueless void in politics, the medical world is going royally to it and it is not missed when it will have totally disappeared for their return to the mediocrity of pushy, after all, failed…
tiboye75le 26/05/2020 16:55
I just read that this woman was under police protection since 2 months, since her departure from Paris, and that it is the Ministry of the Interior, who offered him this, our dear Castener. But who is he mocking it ? Only the ex-ministers of state have the right to protection. It was not. So why does she have the right to police protection paid for by our health care ?
Mandulale 26/05/2020 16:51
What is the undercity! This is for sure : the right will lose!
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