
The rebellion of the mafias of the electricity in Lebanon

“this Is surreal”, says Rami Rajeh, platform policy ‘Beirut Medinati’. “The Government has the monopoly of the production of electricity, but admits...

Erdogan rejects the ruling of Strasbourg to liberate the kurdish leader

The president Recep Tayyip Erdogan has warned that his country does not abide by the judgment of the European Court of Human...

Borrell irritating to the eurosceptics and gives encouragement to nationalism scottish

In English Spanish minister raises ire of UK Eurosceptics with comments about Scotland Borrell participated this Tuesday a seminar/interview, organized in Brussels by...

Italy is requesting the seizure of ‘Aquarius’ by alleged anomalies in the management of...

The struggle in Italy with the rescue boats of the NGOS is far from being closed. The office of the prosecutor of...

The division in the European Commission leads to the first stumbling block of the...

The pact on the output of the United Kingdom of the European Union, closed last week on a technical level, has suffered...

Amnesty claimed that Saudi Arabia is torturing the detained activists

electric shocks, beatings and sexual abuse, the list refers to acts of torture that tend to be the object of the prisoners...

The Government plus ultra of the history of Israel enters into decomposition

Benjamin Netanyahu has not led Israel to another war during his fourth term as prime minister, with the sum already more than...

Rome begins the demolition of eight mansions illegal a mafia clan

The city of Rome has ordained this Tuesday the demolition of eight mansions built illegally in the neighborhood of Quadraro, in the...

Airbnb withdraws its offer of housing in the jewish settlements in the west bank

The palestinian Awni Shaaeb, age 70, is owner of a plot of land in the settlement of Ofra, 22 miles north of Jerusalem, in...

The reluctance of a group of countries, jiggle the straight end of the Brexit

The president of the Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, has put itself at the front of the “operation countdown”. And this Tuesday, same spoke by telephone...



Zorgverzekering op Prinsjesdag: Uitgelekte cijfers tonen flinke stijging

Op Prinsjesdag zijn er uitgelekte cijfers naar buiten gekomen die aantonen dat de zorgverzekering volgend jaar aanzienlijk zal stijgen. Volgens bronnen in Den Haag...

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