At the suggestion of the jury, Norma Editorial was awarded the National Prize for the Best Cultural Editorial Work (corresponding to 2022). The jury praised the “remarkable cultural, social and economic influence that has lasted over the years that has had an impact on the whole value chain for the book”, which was proposed by the jury.
Norma Editorial was also nominated by the jury for encouraging creativity in Spanish and Catalan within the graphic novels and comics segment. It is a well-respected international publisher with a strong track record, particularly in Latin America. Its efforts to promote reading among younger people are noteworthy, making it the first comic-book publisher to be honored with this distinction.
This award recognizes outstanding editorial contributions to Spanish culture. It is an honorary award and does not have a financial endowment.
Rafael Martinez founded it in Barcelona in 1977. It is one of the Spanish publishers who has made the greatest contributions to the development of illustration and comic culture in Spain and Latin America in recent decades. This publisher has been a reference for many generations of readers and authors. It is also an important reference in manga publishing.
Nationally, Norma Editorial published or produced the carvings of Miguelanxo Prado and Conrad Roset. . . . Norma Editorial is a platform that has published collective books like ‘Barcelona TM, ‘Revolution Complex,’ and ‘Valentia TM’. It also publishes authors such as Jordi Lefebre and Josep Homs as well as Claudio Stassi and Joan Marin.
Norma Editorial, since its beginnings, has been an international publisher. It has participated in all major fairs in the Comic sector, some of which it has continued to participate in for the past four decades. She is a founder member of Ficomic and organizer of the Barcelona International Comic Fair, and the Manga Fair. She also participates in all editions of the Comic Sectorial.
Maria Jose Galvez, General Director of Books and Reading Promotion of Ministry of Culture and Sports, presided over the jury. It included Francisco Jesus Egido Salazar (proposed by the Spanish Association of Writers; Teresa San Segundo Manuel (for the Center for Gender Studies of UNED); Alvaro Jose Ortiz (for the Spanish Confederation of Booksellers Guilds and Associations; (CEGAL); Dolores Gallardo Ceballos (for the Federation of Associations of Publishing Distributors of Publishing Distributors of Publishing Distributors of Spain; Rosalina di Bernardo; and Pilar Reyes Forero; and Valeria Ciompii di Bernardompii; and Valeria Ciompii di Bernardo; and Valeria Ciompi Di Bernardo; and Valeria Ciompi, as the Minister of Culture and Sports.
In 1994, the first award of this Prize was made to Anagrama and Tusquets. The publishing houses Hiperion and Alianza, Gredos. Catedra, Pre-Textos. Castalia, Visor. Trotta. Biblioteca nueva, Valdemar. El Acantilado. Quaderns Crema. (in the person Jaume Vallcorba), Renacimiento. Siruela. Sigueme were awarded this Prize in successive years. , Galaxy/Circulo de Lectores Criticism, Gadir, Marcial Pons.