I do NOT have I have never regretted so much the decision not to keep the tv as these days. Of course, the neverending series of movies and tv series offered by streaming platforms is infinitely superior and you can look at what really interests you. However, after a few days that you’re confined at home, without the possibility to put the nose out, the idea that someone or something decide for you the evening program is terribly attractive. The real hassle of what they call “home insulation trust” for coronavirus is primarily this: the absolute uncertainty. A precautionary measure that affects many people, at least here in the Veneto, aimed to limit the spread of the virus by isolating between the walls of the home who came into direct contact with an infected person. In my case, I’m pretty sure be my turn: last week my partner was positive to the pad. A few days ago he started to have fever and now she is taken care of, more for precaution than for gravity because it has no respiratory symptoms, in the department of infectious diseases. I’m fine, at least for now I don’t have symptoms of any kind, if not this damned uncertainty. The likely contagion If I write that they are “safe enough to be infected” is because, as a biologist who writes about health, they are aware of the very high probability of being infected. However, I could not put your hand in the fire: in the current state, to asymptomatic, with no buffer. Starting from the day your contact is a direct positive result to the swab, your name will be included in the list of SISP, Service, hygiene, public health, and it’s the home insulation trustee: for 14 days you can not get out of the house, you can’t go in the office, you can not go shopping, nor have any contact with other people. All without the certainty of being infected. In theory, two times per day you should be contacted by the department of prevention to provide updates on your health status, but in fact, after the communication of the start of the insulation, my phone has not played, probably because of the high number of similar cases.
Work from home luckily For me, in the age of e-mail and cloud-based, my work can be done from the remote. For other asymptomatic people who are in isolation it is not so, can not go to the place of work, however, cannot prove to be infected, they can’t even get in the disease. A short-circuit that, at the time, not a solution. Or, at least, is not a single solution although some of the provincial chambers of physicians, as that of Bologna, have provided some directions (https://www.odmbologna.it/2020/02/25/inps-certificati-di-malattia-ai-lavoratori-dipendenti/). To understand what to do in case I start to feel bad, I called my doctor. Even at this juncture, uncertainty reigns supreme. His advice was to ask lumi to my employer to know which practice open. The uncertainty of the empty fridge, Although in my case, the business disruption will be slow, the restrictions of the home insulation remain difficult to manage. First of all, I provide assistance to my partner. Not only in terms of moral support but, more pragmatically, logistically. Both of our families live relatively far away, in the case of my companion even in another Region and, although they are very available, it is unthinkable to ask them to do the shuttling frequently to bring you spare clothes, magazines and anything else that may be needed. In fact, when I was in isolation, could not even attend to them at home. As far as my everyday life, the main unknown is represented by the refrigerator. My relatives are organizing for stocking up food during the weekend. However, I believe that in the next few days I will try the delivery service offered by some supermarket chains. The domestic routine of The long domestic routine is proving to be terribly boring and equally upset: I live in pajamas, and consumption of quickly meals the spartans, but especially not compared to the hours that normally seguirei in the office. It is not that I impigrito, so much so that in my isolation in the solitary, the work contributes to fill the days otherwise monotonous. However, since the times of the university, I discovered that to be more productive in the afternoon and the evening compared to the morning. And so, I end up turn off the computer at times improbable and, consequently, wake up late in the morning. In an attempt to correct these habits, I am required to perform a series of chores with rigid cadence. Also, to limit my dependence on the computer, the only window to the outside world, I’m trying to dispose of the high stack of books piled up on the bedside table, composed of a dozen of essays in a few moment I started to read and I never finished. Taken in hand-I remembered the reason: certain of the brick “vintage” are a sleeping pill powerful.

*Davide Michielin is a contributor to the Republic’s Health

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Carlo Verdelli SUBSCRIBERS TO REPUBLIC © Reproduction reserved Today on the Mattarella spoke to the Italian: “the Rules and units, will come out from the” the antidote to The chaos With some merit Coronavirus and life in a metro isolated Elderly people in rest home. Also, the affections are at a distance

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