Herbal REMEDIES for protect and stimulate the respiratory system, immune-boosting, exercises to strengthen the lungs. the traditional chinese medicine is using their weapons against the flu by coronavirus covid 19 , and would have already ongoing clinical trials. “The ones you talk to are herbal medicines use statements, which have hitherto been used for other diseases of the respiratory tract, and can be administered to patients without the need for tests in vitro or on animals,” explains Lucio Sotte, medical acupuncturist and director of the magazine Olos and the Logos, that the theme has dedicated a special issue can be consulted from the website www.oloselogos.it/ or can be directly downloaded from www.agopunturamarche.it/Rivista/Dialoghi29_Flip/Numero29-1_2020.pdf .

“of course it is remedies that are used to contain the symptoms of the infection or to enhance the body’s defenses , ” said Sotte. “.To the state for the covid 19, as well as for the common flu, there is no specific therapy. Although the perspective would be important to seek all possible synergies with the treatments, “western”, even in the context of scientific research.
One of the compounds promising, according to the chinese press, is a combination of three plants, Honeysuckle, Scutellaria and Forsythia: the chinese name is Shuang Huang Lian. “This formulation is already used in the 60s against different infections, and biomedicine recognizes the effects of antibiotics, antiviral and anti-inflammatory of its components”, explains Sotte. “In Italy, the remedy as such is not available, because the preparations of traditional chinese medicine are sold as supplements, and these plants are not part of the list of plants permitted.” Even if it could be accomplished in a pharmacy as a preparation for galenica.