In the operating room with gloves, scalpel, mask. And with a display and augmented reality . The surgery becomes 4.0, and for the first time in the world a doctor has performed a surgery while wearing a sort of 3-d glasses can show, next to the real items, even virtual items essential to give more information about the patient and guide the operation. From the vein that pulses to the exact on which to make the incision.

happened to Policlinico Sant’orsola Bologna , where the team of doctors involved in the project, she completed a surgery, maxillo-facial, which consisted in the repositioning of the maxilla and the mandible of a patient, so as to restore the functionality of the bite. The novelty lies in the use of the “Vostars” (Video-optical see-through augmented reality system), a device cutting-edge developed by a european team formed by scientists and technicians from four different Countries and is coordinated from the University of Pisa .