you have selected Emmanuel Macron. Are you disappointed?
no. He was chosen because many wanted to be among us, not Marine Le Pen as President. But we knew that he was the candidate of the great French Patron of the high financial support, and that his program is the same as its predecessor, namely, the phenomenal systematic enrichment of the super-secure rich – a program that means a disaster for the whole of the country.

How democratic and humanistic values and the social market economy can be saved?
as for the values: This is already in the toilet. The refugee crisis in Europe forbids us to talk of humanism. And the disregard of the vote of the Greek people forbids us to speak of democracy. You may delude themselves: These values have already been sacrificed. The austerity policies in all the countries of Europe, in turn, is a war of extermination, of all the social achievements, the struggles of the population in the 20th century. Century have been reached, destroy. You want the European peoples to poverty and misery level of the 18. Century.

“The Richest to bear it anymore, that their Power is experiencing any limitation.”

you Serious?
Yes. Never the class was the Empire’s most resolute, such a violent war against the working ends of the lead layers. It seems as if the Richest freaky wanted to get revenge, as if you had the impression to be the last 50 years decreased. And now we come to figures, as decent conditions of life prevailed, and expensive. It is clear that The Richest can no longer bear it, that their Power is experiencing any limitation – ecologically, politically or ethically.

the movement of the yellow to the West Represents a Chance?
It’s complicated. My Generation experienced for the first time, that a part of the Left demonstrating on the side of the extreme Right. At last, the rural population, the precariat and the sacrificed layer heard. But concern that the extreme right for the past 15 years, close ties tends to high Finance, police and high officials. The Left has no comparable power, and the right is ready to tear the Power. One is reminded of the French big bourgeoisie, in 1936, decided to support Hitler; and it looks like it would choose that again. The stock market can not arrange with the repressive regime of the extreme Right, while she endures the restrictions that would be imposed by the Left. The company may not be at the same time, racist, nationalist and fairer. It will be at the end of one or the other.

Why the uprisings of Occupy Wall Street were of no consequence?
The young are born with an imaginary debt burden. It is said to you: you’ll pay your life long as a good, vanquished slave. Be good socialized, accept the Unacceptable, or be excluded, and your plight will be terrible. It leaves them no choice. It is as if we are preaching to our children: I’ll die in front of you, I don’t care under what conditions you and your are wasting away.

“we need a Revolution against neoliberalism is, and I don’t think my Generation can handle it.”

Now, you exaggerate.
The boys have to accept a world in which it is said to them: The immigrants dying in our cities because we do not want to accept our responsibility. We are working to make the Rich even richer. Someone says to you: The oceans are full of plastic, but we constantly produce more, billions of tons. The soils sources of radioactive waste that we cannot eliminate, but we use more nuclear power. Our food is full-‘m sick of poisons, but we don’t change the recipes. The humanistic values are not the most Important thing Now is to preserve the Survival of life on earth.

this Is the most Urgent?
Yes, the protection of the environment. Necessary a Revolution against neoliberalism is, and I don’t think my Generation can handle it. It is the young people of today are the voters of tomorrow, which might say: We want to be able to drink, breathe, and water to get this cancer.

The Hero of your famous trilogy, Vernon Subutex, seen as representatives of their Generation, the Unwinding of the social welfare systems and solidarity. What would he do today?
Probably not a yellow vest to wear. Probably he would keep track of All the perplexed to the television.

#MeToo is an international movement. You wrote in “King Kong theory” in 2006, about her rape and her Silence.
There is the RUB for women of my age the Eyes: As a Boy, we struggled constantly, Attacks to get out of the way, and we were used to, to be as Old and invisible. All of the injustices seemed totally normal. Now a historic awakening took place: The young women have no desire to be martyrs, just because the poor men are supposedly unable to control himself. When it comes down to it, can you Yes. #MeToo is with the yellow West: widely scattered, and sometimes contradictory. There is a plurality of Feminismen. And as for the yellow West’s dangerous tendencies.

“Why you look better, the gallons of Flow of blood than a Blowjob? What are you afraid of?”

What is it?
The Puritan feminism, the blossoms maybe the winner of #MeToo. So, a feminism that teaches us to abhor sexuality outside of marriage, and to make us good Christians, Jews or Muslims want. Where “slut” to be a bold, free woman, who lives her sexuality, how it fits you – this is worst of All.

they freed themselves by self-chosen Jobs in Prostitution and pornography. This is now a place of liberation?
Me, it is not surprising that the men, Internet pornography, looking, scare terrible. If you had your own sexuality is good access, you would have to say: “So much of gender hatred, so much hostility against the sexual woman and her pleasure, this is not normal.” But they produce and do not consume large quantities a completely pathological pornography and the. Apart from that, I think it is absurd to ban pornography, war, or horror movies, but not. Why is it considered better, the gallons of Flow of blood than a Blowjob? What are you afraid of?

you are temporarily living in Barcelona. How do you see the Catalan desire for independence?
I note that the Catalan political prisoners are groundless in custody. They have fulfilled their promises to the voters, and a Referendum is organized. I note that the mobilisation of the Catalan people delivery, full of Dignity and pacifism. But for everyone, it don’t matter. If the Catalans want their thing to be taken seriously, you need to, so I’m afraid to do looting, fire, kill, throw bombs; brutal, disgusting things. The Situation in Spain, as in France, Italy or Greece: The EU has decreased the peoples, to unite them. It has destroyed the social fabric.

“I read a lot: The mental space that the ruptures in me, is the place where I feel most comfortable with.”

Look pessimistic in the future?
Not necessarily. I don’t think that today’s 15-Year-olds listen absolutely to our Quark and obey – their self-interest. It is possible that tomorrow an international Revolution broke out, led by the Youngest – surprised the us and the situation is transforming.

What keeps you Writing?
The idea that I can in the other hand, the trigger, what are the novels to trigger the other in me. Without you, I can imagine no life. I read a lot: The mental space that the ruptures in me, is the place where I feel most comfortable with.

world premiere of “The life of Vernon Subutex”: 26. In January, The Theater Neumarkt, Zurich.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 21.01.2019, 20:02 PM