The three agreed by teachers in a school kitchen. We were the typical grumpy, always thinking of how it would have to be the best school cooks and managers of restaurants in the world, what educational model, and what structure would… And one day we said: why don’t we do it?”. Thus began the project of the Culinary Institute of Barcelona that drive the entrepreneur, and consultant Ferran Fisas, the expert in the management of projects Josep Gala and chef Pep Nogué. To bring forward the investment needed to be 2.5 million euros, and the three entrepreneurs, who are majority shareholders with a 76%, have sought the support of private investors. In two rounds of funding have achieved a 1.5 million euros (business as Patrick Perez, of the group Pyrénées; David de Montserrat, or Hans Kowalski), and the remainder, with bank credit and own resources generated.

Everything will materialize in January: school opens on a ship of 1,600 m2rehabilitada in the Verneda in Barcelona, with the first 50 students to 700 capacity. 20% of the students are Catalan, and the rest is international audience, mainly from Latin america. “We have enrolled for the course of 2021”, ensure.

“Barcelona is a global brand, recognized in the world of education – for the schools of business, by Erasmus– and a spearhead in innovation of cuisine,”explains Fisas, which he is also chairman of the CIB is a partner of the consulting firm, Exaudi Family Business Consulting, with offices in Houston and Miami. Pep Nogué, informative gastronomic, was for thirteen years head chef of El Celler de Can Roca, and is responsible for culinary programs of the school. Josep Gala, consultant specializing in the hospitality industry, is the ceo, and Francesc Balagué is the academic director of the school.

The proposal of the CIB, not included in the training programmes regulated, will be focused “creativity and innovation. We are the first that we have certified for use with the methodology of Ideo, Silicon Valley, applied to the kitchen. We do something so different that we also have to learn. We will go growing little by little.”

they Say that flee from the personalities, culinary, and are accompanied by an advisory board different: with Rodrigo Miranda, of the school of digital business, Isdi; Carlos Grau, the Mobile World Capital and Silvio Elías (Veritas) . They will seek corporate sponsors for a scholarship program.

The Culinary Institute of Barcelona begins with the three programs (the chef, the management of restaurants and a cooking course of fire), one of 15 staff and 50 specialized teachers. “To be sustainable, we need a hundred students; we hope that from and after the third call whether a school is profitable”.

“we are Looking for a new client, which until now was going or wanted to go more to the united States, and want to know the changes that are coming to the world. Here not to teach you basic cooking. This school could be in Silicon Valley.” And explain that will teach them the product or technology, with techniques of design thinking, and evaluating for skills, and also speaking or photograph food. The stove and the flavors, in their way, you would also have to digitize.