“This is, disbelievers of the whole world, the true story of Big Mama, sovereign absolute of the kingdom…”. So begins the story of Garcia Marquez, The funeral of Big Mama, and so might have begun his dissertation, the moderator of the debate they had in South Canal aspiring to rule the kingdom andalusian. Susana Diaz was standing to the story. Showed up wearing —green, white— green flag of andalusia and with a necklace that said Mom. And well behaved. As a queen, or virreina, not an absolute, but it does secure their position. To your care, the children unruly. The candidate of Citizens, with your pint of adolescent late forever is coming out the fluff moustache. The representative Can+UI, a girl would answer that puts the mother on the head like a bass drum, pretending to change the world for the rafting. And the boy nerd that wants at once to pay the family car and driving, even for a while, Andalucia.

MORE INFORMATION by The PP and Citizens strive to be submitted as a guarantee of change In direct | And you have been told the first debate of the elections in andalusia: the corruption and the structure of the Ligobet State starring rifirrafes between candidates

Funeral there was. Only dullness, boredom, glanders. The engineers of the debate used a few referees of basketball to measure the times. Adjusted both nuts that the moderator asked the candidates, please, be interrupted, that will give meaning to his presence. I wanted to be something more than a traffic light. But it is not. The boys took the lesson learned and not left a score. Susana Diaz was comfortable seeing how the pseudoanónimo John Marin and Juanma Moreno is fighting for the pie on the right. It seemed that that was all that was at stake. That and the true repentance of Marin, the denial of the three and a half years of collaboration with the PSOE.

Before the cock crow on the 2nd of December, Marin will be denied to his / her lady Susan three thousand times. Now the accused to circulate in the opposite direction to the interests and the reality of Andalusia. Wants to forget that he has gone from co for nearly four years. Things of kids, it comes to tell us. He is new, he didn’t know. Don’t want to know nothing of the past, hungry for the future, and offers him openly the PP to agree to oust the socialists. Speaking of hunger, Teresa Rodriguez stated that the great problem of Spain is not Catalonia, but spain and things to eat. He came to remind us that the flags are not eaten. It is always nice to give them basic instructions to the children. Juanma Moreno even had a text book distributed by the Board in which it says that Spain is a country multicountry. In the end it turned out to be the most ready of the class. Well, him or the first that changed the channel.