Actually it should not have been much to argue about. But first, at 21 o’clock on Saturday evening, after dygnslång overtime, had the climate summit in Katowice agreed on the wording of a ”rulebook” for the paris agreement. And it is symptomatic of the whole issue.

is precisely what it is about. We have borrowed the time we don’t have, we live in a förhalningens era, and fördunklingens: Facts may not be facts, science is made non-negotiable. Not even the report of the united nations klimatpane l IPCC developed was recognized as the science and facts of all the actors.

Sooner or later, must all, of course, ask about anyway. But it is a very small consolation that fossil fuels are now only represented by fossils, when fossils have enormous influence.

It is a very small consolation that fossil fuels are now only represented by fossils, when fossils have enormous influence.

”on the Basis of the conditions, this is a tour de force from the international community,” said klimatminister Isabella Lövin to the TT, read: considering how powerful the opponents are attracted, we are still success.

it’s good to rulebook yet been prepared and klubbats through. But the one who allows himself to be content with the low expectations. And it is not a bureaucratic pettiness of reality to the climate change summit dwelt so long upon a single choice of words. It plays the role of one of the big issues was the dispute as to whether a heavy scientific report would ”be welcomed”, or simply ”noted”. It says something about how short and weak the world’s powerful klimathuliganer think.

the Negotiations around the rulebook was completed, yet at last almost in time. But in time for what? The journey home? Helgfirande? In time for the preparations for the next climate summit? Or finished in time, before it is too late to add on the direction so it becomes possible to realize the objectives of the so-called paris agreement? When it was determined that it is desirable to keep the global temperature increase below 1.5 degrees, and absolutely under 2 degrees.

exactly correct measure of how large the emissions we as a collective can do, and that the measure tells us that we must make the effort twice as much.

No one, of course, willingly relinquishing their comforts. But some are more recalcitrant than others. To them, Russia, USA, saudi Arabia and Kuwait. In addition, opposed the aspiring regnskogsskövlaren Brazil, proposals to discourage horse-trading in emission rights.

they were small island states are already living with the devastating consequences.

If we had set if for twenty, thirty years ago we had avoided just this future. Now so many so much to sacrifice, and all the more believe that it is already too late. That the frame cracked .

Even those that oppose themselves – Russia, the USA, saudi Arabia and Kuwait – have themselves already been affected by climate change; monsterorkaner and firestorms, heat and tinande permafrost.

in front of our eyes. Still, it leads not to a sufficient change. It is not like the one where the cliché about the frog who is boiled to death but never notice it because the temperature rise is so slow.

In our own klimatsägen keeps the frog its all the redder the head over the surface. The already know that posterity will judge the hard. It knows that the kids will hate it, that its legacy is running.

not do otherwise than to think of how warm and good it has it, so here in the moment.
