Science yesterday by the Us probe New Horizons voorbijgescheerde ijsdwerg Ultima Thule seems to be very on a snowman, as is shown in the first picture the American ruimtevaartbureau NASA has released. Ultima Thule is about 6.4 billion kilometres away from us, the probe New Horizons is with the passage on 3,500 kilometres away, the furthest by human hands, built explorerend spacecraft. That has the fly survived.
First image released of furthest workspace object ever made by man are studied: ijsdwerg Ultima Thule appears to be a snowman to be
Stakingen in ochtendspits op het spoor op maandag
Werkonderbreking in ochtendspits op het spoor op maandagMedewerkers van ProRail gaan aanstaande maandag opnieuw staken in de ochtenduren om een hoger salaris te eisen....