get About three times per week of Donald trump supporters an E-Mail that summarizes for you the latest developments in the impeachment proceedings against the President – from the point of view Trumps way, of course. “The American people no longer believe in the unfounded Impeachment Bullshit”, it says in the message, the sent of his campaign organisation following the hearings on Tuesday. In the case of the investigations in Congress, it was a “Coup” by the Democrats, is nothing less than a coup. Is connected to the Update with a call for donations to the recipients: those Who receive up until midnight at least 15 dollars to Trumps choice of fight cash transfer, a sticker. It stops the Impeachment swindle is: “.”

the running now since the beginning of the Ukraine affair. Alone on the first day of the hearings Trumps campaign took more than three million dollars in donations. For a Transfer of $ 35 donors received a plastic card in credit card format. The impeachment proceedings as a money machine – for Donald Trump.

Otherwise, as you can assume, perhaps, would not try the President and his Team in the first place, from the fact distract that Trump is the subject of the first-fourth Impeachment inquiry in the history of the United States. You go much more Offensive. The Impeachment, they believe, will in the elections next year for the weapon you can use against the Democrats.

Many Democrats have made with your consent to the impeachment procedure vulnerable.

This is true not only for Trump, but also for his party. The Republicans turn in the politically competitive States of mass way of TV commercials and newspaper advertisements, in which you can call to opt out of those democratic members who voted in the house of representatives for the Impeachment investigation. The two deputies, all members of the group. “Stop the madness”, is the Slogan of the Republicans, stop the madness.

The campaign is especially aimed at the Democrats in the 31 constituencies in the 2016, the majority were voted for Trump. Many of them were elected in the midterm elections last fall. They contributed significantly to the fact that the Opposition won the majority in the house of representatives.

These people had promised, in Washington for a non-partisan concern to use, say it in the commercials of the Republican – advertising concerns, such as the new trade Treaty, the Trump-government with Mexico and Canada has been completed, which must first be ratified by Congress. Instead, the alleged majority of buyers have been trying to chase step with the democratic party leadership, Trump out of the office.

The attacks by the Republicans emphasize that many of the Democrats, with their consent, to initiate the impeachment procedure vulnerable have made. The good news for the Opposition is that so far in the public opinion polls of those “Backlash” has shown that many had feared in the party. Solidarity with the President, as was Bill Clinton during his Impeachment is experiencing, there is not.

The bad news for the Democrats is that the polls show no visible movement among Republican and independent voters who are now advocating an impeachment Trumps. According to the Website real clear politics all the surveys seen in 47.8 per cent of Americans are for the removal of Trumps, 46.4 percent oppose it. This is a stalemate. A month ago, 49.5 percent were for an Impeachment have been, and 44.8% against. The support has fallen in the past weeks.

so Far, all the members are United behind the President

The knowledge of the Republicans in Congress. It does not seem to be so far, so that your members of the electorate were to come under great pressure from their unconditional defense Trumps depart. “Not a single Republican” in the house of representatives will turn against the President, wrote in the Online magazine “Politico” on Wednesday. Not once in the many Parliament of the party, have already announced more members to compete in the elections next year, there are signs for a change of heart. In this case, these people would have to lose politically at least, and could afford most likely, trump’s behavior, at least criticize it openly.

Not to be ruled out for the President’s incriminating statement by Gordon Sondland, one of the key figures in the Ukraine affair, it is still something changes – but it’s probably not. Trump himself has demanded of the Republicans, repeatedly, to make without intermediate tones behind him. For his party this is not always easy, for example, when he attacked as witnesses on Tuesday.

testified during the officer Alexander he received his in the Impeachment hearing before Congress, sent the White house via the official Twitter-account news, in which it was Vindmans credibility into question. He received his employee of the National security Council – and thus also an employee of the White house. Problematic? Not for Trump.

Created: 21.11.2019, 09:08 PM