It is completely unrealistic and an unreasonable deadline, when a majority in Parliament in an agreement on waste management provides the municipalities six months to get an overview of which forbrændingsværker which is to close.

It says the vice-president of Local government Denmark (KL), Martin Damm (V), there also is the mayor of Kalundborg Municipality.

the Government and a wide range of political parties on Tuesday presented an agreement that will provide the framework for a green affaldssektor. Among other things, reduced redundant capacity to burn waste.

– It is quite hopeless. This is hugely complex and not something you just take care of Sunday morning.

– Forligspartierne have taken the easy part, and so they left the hard part to municipalities with an unreasonable deadline, says Martin Damm.

Martin Damm says that the municipalities are not going to be able to lay out a plan within six months, set aside.

Therefore, you will now decide whether you even will begin the task of selecting forbrændingsværkerne.

– We must take stock of whether this is something we will go into in from the municipalities.

– A task may be so hopeless that it is better to throw the ball back, says Martin Damm and adds to the AT’s board of directors shall take a final decision at a meeting Thursday.

It is the works that pollute the most and are the least effective, it must be closed.

the Intention is that the capacity will be adapted to the amount of waste that comes in the future. It leads to less combustion and hence less CO2 emissions.

All political parties, with the exception of the Danish people’s Party and the New Civic is in the agreement.

If the municipalities can present a plan, enter a number of sanctions in force. Including a udbudsbaseret model, where capacity is being reduced through competition, according to the agreement.

Prior to the agreement, offered AT else to come up with a plan for how best and cheapest to plan the decommissioning of several forbrændingsværker.

But it would probably take about 12 months, estimates Martin Damm.