ALSO the eyes might be a source of infection of coronavirus . And also quite subtle because it does not always have symptoms clear. To focus attention on the nexus between the eyes, and a coronavirus is a recent chinese study which assessed the possibility that the contagion steps, even through the tears.
it is now known that the transmission of the virus occurs from person to person through the respiratory tract. “Talking about it releases into the air thousands of micro-droplets of saliva with the virus one to two meters away, but even six yards away after a sneeze. These droplets can remain suspended in the air for more than half an hour, infecting other people,” recalls Claudio Azzolini , professor of diseases of the visual apparatus at the Department of Medicine and Surgery, University of Insubria. The infection occurs when the droplets of the infected come in the mouth or in the nose, but also takes place through the eyes through the tears. “The tear film – continues the eye – is composed of three layers that umettano the eye with functions of defense, lubrication, cleaning and nourishment. The tears are then conveyed through the ducts tear duct located in the inner part of the eyelids, nose and in the throat. If the droplets of the infected vaporized in the air and rest on the eyes, they can then easily get into your airways causing infection and infection”.