the ROME – identify a mechanism that explains why women may be more vulnerable than men to developing pain: the cause is a neuroormone, prolactin, note particularly because it promotes lactation in pregnant women in the last months of gestation and after the birth. It detects a search of the University of Arizona, published in Science Translational Medicine. Scholars observe that it has always been known that women experiencing more than men, certain types of pain that occur without injury, known as “pain syndromes functional”, and include diseases such as migraine and fibromyalgia. The reasons for this have never been clearly understood.

One possible explanation that researchers have explored concerns the differences in the cells and in the nerves that send pain signals to the brain in women and in men. The results of the study suggest that new therapies for the management of pain addressed to the system of the prolactin would be of great benefit to women who suffer from pain syndromes functional. The researchers remind us that the spikes of pain are intermittent and are associated with triggering events. And that stress causes release of prolactin.

Medicines dopamine receptor agonists and D-2 that limit the release of prolactin, such as cabergoline, are commonly used for other diseases and they are not addictive. These drugs, possibly in combination with other classes of drugs, can help treat pain conditions in women in the most effective way, without the addictive properties of opioids.

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